9; Romance

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Obama POV

Students aren't supposed to be in the Astronomy Tower late at night without permission, but Dracko's been distant from me lately, and looking at the night sky always seems to ail my worries.

I slip into the tower, quiet as a mouse, and bump into someone not soon after.

"You shouldn't be up here" a student chastises, their voice familiar and snooty yet smooth and attractive.

"I could say the same about you" I retort.

There's a gasp. "Obama?"

I squint through the darkness, when the other student turns on a lantern, and I'm hypnotized by olive green eyes that glow in the light. "Dracko"

His cheeks flame. "Hi"

"You're here to watch the stars, huh?" I mentally off myself. "Well, obviously, why else would you be here?"

Dracko snorts. "I like constellations" He says, sitting down. "It only helps that most of my family on my moms side are named after stars and constellations"

"Oh yeah, Draco's a constellation"

He nods. "Latin for dragon, wanna see it?"

"Sure" I whisper.

"You see the big dipper, right?" Dracko points up. I nod. "And Polaris is right over there"

"Draco is a small trapezoid head attached to an S between the big and little dipper; The tip of the s is between the big dipper and the north star, the s circles around the little dipper before turning back in on itself"

I blink. Where there used to be clumps of stars, it's like a picture appears. "I-I see it!"

Draco chuckles, a beautiful sound that makes my heart swell and my whole body feel like I've just swallowed a spoonful of golden honey.

"And beside the head of Draco is Hercules, to find it, look for the keystone of hercules, which is another trapezoid" he explains. "Four lines stick out, one coming from each corner of the trapezoid"

"Oh, wow..." I breathe. "I wonder how they decided that would be Hercules"

"So do I" Draco agrees. "All I know is the original myth of Heracles(Hercules)"

"Can you tell me?"

"Well, the god Zeus cheated on his wife Hera with a mortal, which is how heracles came along, Zeus made his son drink his wife Hera's milk without her consent, which granted the baby's immortality, As you might have guessed, this pissed Hera off, so since she couldnt kill Heracles she made his life hell," Draco says. "She made him go insane and murder his family, and so he had to do 12 labors to atone for his sins"

"The pointer stars of big dipper point to Leo, which looks like a backwards question mark attached to a triangle with a long line, One of the stars in Leo is Regulus, which is the name of my... first cousin once removed, i think... Anyway, the first labor was to slay the Nemean Lion, which is Leo, and no weapon could kill it, so Heracles strangled it to death"

"The second labor was to kill the Hydra, which is just a long wiggle line in the opposite direction as Ursa Minor from Leo, Hydra had lots of heads, Hera wanted to distract with a giant crab, but he killed that, too, which is where the constellation Cancer comes in, most of the other labors dont have constellations, so I'll be brief, Number 3 was a deer, 4 was a boar, 5 was to clean stables, 6 was marauding birds, 7 was a fire-breathing bull, 8 was flesh eating horses, 9 was to get the belt of the Queen of the Amazon Warriors, and 10 was to steal the cattle that belonged to a monster,"

"Wait, I thought you said 13 labors" I interrupt.

Draco rolls his dusky eyes playfully. "I'm getting there"

He continued. "When he was bringing the cattle back he was attacked, so Heracles kneeled down and prayed to Zeus, who sent rocks to throw at the attackers, and that's where the constellation Engonassin/the kneeler(The og name for Hercules constellation), came from" Draco informs me. "He was supposed to have 10 labors, but he was given 2 more; the 11th labor was to steal golden apples from Heras garden, which was guarded by nymphs called Hesperides, and those nymphs were guarded by a dragon called Ladon, which is the Draco constellation; the last labor was to steal Cerberus, the 3 headed dog, from the underworld, he belonged to Hades, Zeus' brother and the god of the dead and wealth, Hades' job was to sort the dead into different places based on how good or bad they were, and Cerberus had to make sure the dead didn't try to escape"

"So, did he complete all his labors and get set free?" I ask.

"Yes" Draco smiles. "He fell in love with a woman named Deianaira(Deia for short) When he poisoned a centaur(Nessus), Nessus gave Deia his blood and told her it was like a love potion, and when Deia was scared Heracles was cheating, she gave him a shirt with the Nessus's blood on it, and when Heracles put it on, it burned the part of him that was mortal; The immortal part of him went up to live in Mount Olympus, and Zeus made him a constellation to honor him"

"The End?" I wonder.

"Yeah" Dracko looks up at the stars again, and he frowns.

"What's wrong, Dracko? You can tell me things, we're friends" I protest. "Please don't try to put distance between us"

He avoids his gaze again, but speaks up. "My boyfriend, he broke up with me"

The warm feeling in my chest quickly dissipated. "You had a boyfriend this entire time?"

"Had being the key word here, you really must keep up." Drakko smirks.

"No wonder you rejected my flirting!" I breathe, shocked.

Drakko sits up. "Wait, what?"

"I've been flirting with you for a week."

"Oh, I didn't even know. I distanced myself from you because of how I felt about you." Dracko reveals.

I inch closer to him. "Good feelings?"

Drako's response is to close the small gap between us.

I melt into the kiss. When he pulls away, I feel a rush of dissapointment. I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but I know it will never be enough.

"Very good feelings." Draco replies, taking my hand.

Draco Malfoy x Obama x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now