Letter to your reflection in mirror

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I like you. I care about who you are. I love the craziness that is in your heart and the desire to learn and grow and become even more and even better than you were yesterday.

 I love you as someone dedicated – no matter how imperfectly – to living a life of personal growth, of happiness and character.

 I’m proud of you for trying. For waking up every morning and simply giving it your best shot.

 I believe in who you are and who you are working to be. As a person who can shape and reshape your inner world, I also believe you can become what you most want to become.

 You can become what you wish to become, even if it takes more work than you’ve ever extended to do anything else before in your life.

 Have I ever told how beautiful you are? now that I said it, can you do me the favour of keep me awake in boring Physice class. just one more month then no more physics. ok. bye.

And, I love you.


this is it..

pff, done with the letters.

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