Letter to someone who's going through worst of times

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Dear S,

It is really very sad news that you have lost your dear father . What a terrible shock for you and the rest of your family.  I knew your father had been suffering from some illness, but to my knowledge, the illness was not so serious as to prove fatal.

I know you must be feeling dejected because you always thought so highly of your father and loved him very much. I also feel it as a personal loss to myself. He was very kind and friendly to me as well.

Your dad lived to see you find happiness and security and love. He will have died content for knowing that.

Make sure you find time to grieve and allow yourself to do so - and don't expect it to pass quickly.

Such a sad time for you. If I can do anything to help please let me know.  At this hour, little can be said to comfort you. Time alone will erase your sorrow caused by the loss of so kind dad.

Words, I know, can't make up for the immense loss.

Pray for positive strength, determination and willpower to cope with what has happened and to make a better future. May God give you strength to bear this loss!

Your affectionate friend,


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