Androids Aliens and Wizards

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Announcer: Did you know Steve Rogers?

Walker: "I was two years out of West Point when Steve came back on the scene. I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his."

Announcer: "So, you've always wanted to be a hero?"

Walker: "I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother."

"What the actual fuck." Zayrah mutters as she gets watches a man being crowned Captain America who is not Sam, but the first Blue eyed blond they could find.

Zayrah was at a CIA branch when the TV caught her attention.

"Agent Waters, you here for the Flagsmashers case? I'm glad you responded." her senior said as he sat at his desk.

"Yeah, I'll go after the group, Daryl. But, you know the drill. I am a free agent." Zayrah responds.

"Oh believe me, Waters, we do need free agents to pull this shit. The ones working under the regulations, are kind of office employees. Here's the initial information, you gonna need for the mission.

Zayrah chuckles. "Alright. Gotta go."

"Where are you off to? I see, your ex has just been declared Captain America." Daryl smirks.

"Please shut up, Daryl. I don't give a flying fuck about John anymore. Besides, I need to check on Bucky. I'm sure he won't the take the news smoothly.

"Oh. Off to the see pretty boyfriend. I see." Daryl's smirk widens.

"Do fuck off, Daryl."



"Just don't die, okay? We need yo for other cases that could kill you."

"Such an ass. See you." Zayrah walks out.


Zayrah calls a SB while leaving the CIA office.

"James? You okay? I guess you've heard the news."

The other side goes silent.

"We gotta meet Sam tomorrow, Jade. Meet me at the airport. You know where."
"Yeah, I know. I'll have to be there anyway. I'm flying off to a work area tomorrow."
"What? Why?"
"I can't talk about it."
"Wha- okay. Just be there. At 7. Tomorrow."


Zayrah walks into the take off zone.

"Zayrah. Hi!" Sam shouts from a distance.
"How've you been, Sam?" Zayrah asks as they share a hug.
"Yeah. Not bad." Sam fakes a smile.
"Look, I know things are absolutely fucked up. But let me tell you that Barnes would be here any moment now and he's of course not happy about the whole Captain America situation."
Zayrah stop to take a breath, then continues,
"I need you to control your words while you two are bickering. Just don't say anything real nasty. Please."

"Shouldn't have given up the shield"

Bucky's voice floats from Zayrah's behind, and turns to see the man walking towards them, a duffle bag in hin left hand.

Sam looks at Zayrah for a moment then continues to walk down the stairs, Zayrah and Torres following him.

"Good to see you too, Buck."

Agent Waters | Bucky Barnes | The Falcon And The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now