Most Romantic Conversation

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Her phone's vibration wakes Zayrah up.

Bird Brain calling...

Zayrah furrows her brows and recieves Sam's call.

"Sam, do you finally have a lead?"

"Well. Hello to you too, Zayrah. Oh. I'm good. Thanks for asking. And no. I don't have anything yet."

"Is it really necessary to be this annoying?" Zayrah laughs. "Anyway. How are ya? Sarah? The boys?"

"All good. What about you two?"

"Oh. We're fine. More than fine if you ask me."

"No. No no no. I don't need details."

Zayrah chuckles.

"Anyway. I called to ask you, if you have any leads as such? What about your boss? Ask him if he has any dirt?"

"Erm. No. He doesn't have any men on the job. It's just me."

"What? No. That can't be true. These guys will never leave the job to just one person.

"Well. It's my condition. I told him not interfere. And trust me, if he were, I would have known by now."

"Guess we wait then."

"Mmhmm. Yes we do."

"I don't want to ask. But how's the staring machine?"

"He.." Zayrah laughs at his choice of words. "He's fine. He's currently sleeping on his bed. Nightmares are under control. Well..not always. But, mostly. He's healing."

"You're healing him."

"Oh no. not really. He's trying hard. I'm not really doing anything."

"It's good to hear that Zayrah. Really. Anyway. Gotta go. Sarah's been shouting at the boys. God knows why. Hopefully, I'll see you two soon."

"Bye, Sam."

Zayrah cuts the call and looks to her right to find an empty bed. Bucky is no where in sight.

She removes the covers and climbs out of bed. She walks into the hall and sees Bucky seated on the kitchen counter. His phone sits beside him. 40s music playing softy. The hall is dark. Only light source is from the curtained windows.



"Everything okay, Bubba?" Zayrah asks taking his face in her hands.

"Everything is perfect, Jade. It's could be more perfect." He says pushing himself off of the counter. He increases the volume of the music player. "Dance with me, Doll?" He asks extending his left hand.

"I thought you said you can't dance." Zayrah says placing her right hand on his palm.

Bucky pulls her in and places his right hand around her waist. Both of them sway to the music. He spins her around, earning giggles from the girl. How they both wish they could stay like this forever.

He places a kiss on the bullet mark on her exposed shoulder.

"I can do real dances. Not the fuckery that goes on in those clubs and shit." Bucky says as Zayrah rests her cheek on his chest. He rests his chin on her head.

"You're Steve Rogers' best friend. You shouldn't be cursing, James Barnes." Zayrah points out.

Bucky leaves a groan and chuckles silently. "Yeah. He was always the typical good boy. 'LANGUAGE', he used to say."

"I know there's is more on your mind, James. Penny for your thoughts?"

"The vote is in two days, Doll." He replies spinning her.

"You think they will strike?" She asks.

"No." He says shaking his head once.

"I know they will." He adds with conviction in his voice as he dips her and places a kiss on her lips.

"Wow. That was the most romantic conversation a couple can have on their first dance. Good job, Both of us." Zayrah says as Bucky hugs her, laughing.


Tiny little chapter. Atleast it is something. Lol. sorry.


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