That Escalated Quickly

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The beginning of this chapter takes place in the TLTS episode DMV.

"Come on. We gonna be late for the movie!" Bugs was standing at the door, waiting for Daffy.

A black duck in a schoolgirl's unform and a yellow wig walked down the steps.

"What are you wearing?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting a sthudent disthcount." Daffy adjusted his red bow and noticed Bugs was grabbing his keys and wallet. "You're driving? You alwaysth drive. Let me drive."

Bugs opened the door to reveal a pickup truck with a giant paper mache sculpture of Daffy on it. "I'm not going in that thing."

"It'sth not a thing. It'sth a parade float."

"It'll take 18 hours for us to find a parking spot. I'm driving."

"You think you get to make all the decisionsth? What are you, the man in the relationship?"

Bugs sighed. "We're not in a relationship."

"Well, guessth what? I'm a man, too

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"Well, guessth what? I'm a man, too. And today, thisth man is going to drive you to the moviesth and buy your ticket. Stho you can just leave your wallet and keysth here, because this man is wearing the pantsth today." Daffy takes Bugs's keys and wallet and places them on a table.

Daffy starts to head out the door. "Oopsth, almost forgot my pursthe." He grabs his purse and walks out the door like a little girl. "Come on, you big lug!"


"You're really gonna buy my movie ticket?"

"Of coursthe. Here, put this on."

"Is this a diaper?"

"Babiesth get in free. Tch."

Daffy stops at a stoplight and waits a couple seconds before driving again.

When Daffy starts to drive, a car crashes into the left side of the parade float, and Daffy passes out.

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