Two Things

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Daffy started the engine while Bugs climbed into the passenger seat. When they were buckled up, Daffy started to drive.

"Doesth that happen to you often?" Daffy was soaking wet, making his feathers appear fluffier.

"What?" Bugs was studying how Daffy kept his eyes glued to the road, something he didn't do before the crash.

"The panic attack thing."


"Do you know why it happened?"

"No." Bugs was lying. When he saw the stop light turn green, he was reminded of the crash, and what might of happened if Daffy was still unconscious, or even worse- dead. Bugs felt like ripping his ears out of his head when Daffy wasn't with him.

Daffy stopped at a stoplight and looked at Bugs for only a second, then turned back to the road. "You're lying."

Bugs sighed. "No, I'm not."

"Yesth, you are."







"Fine, Daffy, you win."

"No. You do. I insisth." Daffy had gotten used to Bugs's tricks.

"No, you win."

"Fine, Bugsth, asth a favor to you, you win."

Bugs sighed. "I win."

"Bugsth, it isn't going to work. You're lying."

Bugs decided to change the subject. "Where are we going?"

"It's a sthurpristhe."

Eventually, they reached their destination. It was a forest.

"The surprise is a forest?"

"Not just any foresth." Daffy paused for dramatic effect. "Yeah, its just a foresth. But come on, there'sth sthomething I want to show you." Daffy walked through the trees.

Bugs was a little reluctant at first, but eventually followed Daffy. It was still raining, but the trees mostly stopped them from getting any more wet than they were before.

Daffy led them into a grassy clearing with a river flowing through it. There were different types of flowers growing, and birds chirped over them. Daffy walked to the river and stared down into it. Bugs walked over to see what he was looking at. There were colorful fish swimming around in the river that was about 15 feet wide.

"You better not eat them."

Daffy looked up at Bugs in confusion. "Eat them? Why would I eat them? They're alive! Plusth, I don't think thesthe fish are sthupposthed to be eaten. They're too pretty." Daffy looked back into the water. "Y'know, that remindsth me. There's two thingsth I've alwaysth wanted to do."

"What are they?"

"Don't complain. You asked." Daffy pushed Bugs into the water. When Bugs resurfaced, he looked very annoyed.


Daffy just laughed in response. This was the first time he laughed since waking up.

Bugs swam out of the river and sat on the edge.

"So what's that other thing you wanted to do?"

Daffy sat down next to Bugs. The heavy rain had stopped, and there was only a light drizzle. "I want to learn how to sthwim." Daffy started kicking the water, careful to not kick a fish.

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