We Still Have A Long Way To Go

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"...I love you, Daff." Those words echoed in my head over and over again. I'm just dreaming, right? There's no way he...

My eyes shot open to see Bugs sleeping. So I was right. It was a dream. I checked the time to find out that it was pretty early for me: 7:29 am. I got out of the bed and walked downstairs, disoriented. Was that really a dream? Maybe he actually does love me. Maybe-

I heard footsteps behind me.


"I'm surprised you're awake this early."

I turned to him. He was making coffee. "I didn't sthleep well." I looked at the table. "Can I usthe your car?"

"Where are you going?"


"Daffy, I'm not going to let you take my car to some random place."

"It'sth not random. You've been there before. Twice."

"Then take me with you."



Daffy parked at the thinking forest. "What happened?"

"What?" Daffy looked at Bugs.

"Why are you here, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Daffy gave the keys to him. "I just want to be here." He got out of the car and went through the opening. It was partly cloudy, and some of the clouds were gray. But Daffy didn't care.

Bugs ran after Daffy and saw him looking at the colorful fish. He sat down next to him and stared into the water. Daffy looked anxious and disturbed.

"What's wrong?"

"...Huh?" He looked at Bugs and his heart started to beat faster, as usual.

"I asked what was wrong."

"I was just..." Daffy looked at the grass. "I wasth thinking about sthomething. I'm fine."

They were both silent for a while, thinking. Thinking about eachother, and their dreams. Thinking about the other's reaction if they told eachother. Thinking about all of the crazy things that have happened in the past week or so.

A tear left Daffy's eye. "Stho, I lied. I'm not fine." He quickly wiped the tear away.

Bugs looked up at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nobody stheemsth to like me, becausthe... I don't know why. But they don't like me, and it'sth stupid. I'm not going to take the time to fit in with sthociety! It would take too long! But I want people to like me! Nobody likesth me! It's stupid! And... I'm repeating mysthelf." Daffy blinked. "I don't care! What is the point of being on this godforstha-"

Bugs grabbed his hand and they both looked down. Black and white intertwined, like yin and yang. Daffy felt his face getting hotter. Bugs looked up and saw it, but pretended he didn't notice. His mind started racing. 'Does Daffy... like me?' He smiled. "Somebody likes you."

Daffy got defensive. "T-that'sth easthy for you to sthay. Everyone likesth you." He looked away from their hands and looked at the grass. 'Including me,' he thought.

"Not everyone, Daff." Bugs sighed. Should he tell Daffy now? Almost every part of him was telling him to say yes... everything but his brain. It kept saying that Daffy was just embarrassed, caught off guard. That he only liked him as a friend. "...Daffy?"

"...Yeah?" Daffy looked back down at their hands and swallowed. He felt Bugs's hand shaking, and noticed his ears go down a bit.

"I-I have something important to ask you." Bugs was scared. Not because he was asking someone out, but because he was asking Daffy out. He was scared of rejection because nobody really tells him no, and when they do, it's usually something minor. But by doing this, he would either make or break their relationship, and it wasn't something he thought about before.

"What isth it?" Daffy noticed the way Bugs took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"Do you- I, um..." Bugs put a hand to his head. "I'm probably going to regret asking this..." His hands were still shaking, and his voice was cracking. Daffy had never seen him this scared before.

"You don't have to ask if you don't want to. You seem pretty... scared. You seem scared." Daffy cleared his throat.

"But I want to. I really do, I just..." Bugs sighed. "Would you like to-"

It started to rain. It was warm summer rain.

Bugs looked up at the sky. They still hadn't let go of each other's hands. "It's okay if you say no, but I was wondering if-" Suddenly, a pitch black hand grabbed Daffy's foot and tried pulling him into the water. Bugs grabbed his hand with both of his hands and tried pulling him up. "This is just annoying."

"Bugsth, let go." Daffy was trying to kick the hand off.

"No! You'll drown, and I can't lose you again!" He remembered when Daffy was in the coma, and how lost Bugs felt when he was gone.

Daffy's face got red. He let go of Bugs's hand, but Bugs was still holding his wrists. "Let go!"


"Why can't you trust me?!"

"Because you can't even swim!"

"Just let go, you stupid rabbit!"


"I..." Daffy looked around. "I promisthe I won't die!"

It started to rain harder.

"F-fine!" Bugs let go of Daffy and watched Dummy pull him into the water.

Daffy took Dummy's hand off his ankle, stepped on his head, and sent himself pretty high into the water. He saw Bugs looking at him and waved, asking for him to help him. Bugs dived into the water and pulled Daffy out, the rain still beating down on them. "I told you I wouldn't die." Daffy sat back down, a little further from the water.

Bugs sat down, his heart racing. "So-"

Daffy grabbed his hand. His face was no longer red.

Bugs looked down and smiled, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. "I never got to ask the question."

"What wasth it?" Daffy forced himself to look Bugs in the eye.

Bugs's heart started to beat way faster than it was before. He took a deep breath and just went for it. "Do you want to... go out with me? You don't have to say-"

Daffy's eyes widened. "Yeah!" A blush spread across his beak. "Wait a minute... What?!"

Bugs's shoulders sagged, and now he was more nervous than ever. "I'm confused."

Daffy looked at their hands, then at the grass. "You like me that way?" He was confused and happy at the same time.

"...Yeah." Bugs looked up at the sky. The rain was beginning to slow.

"Good. I thought you were trying to get back at me for calling you stupid."


Daffy looked away. "I wanna go out with you, okay?"


They looked at their hands and softly smiled.

They still had a long way to go.

Author's note: I'm here to ruin the moment (okay, not really). This isn't the end of this story. As the title says, we have a long way to go!

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