Bugs's Fever Dream

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Author's note: This is written in third person, but it's in Bugs's point of view, so every thought that Daffy has can be heard by Bugs, and everything Daffy does can be 'seen' by Bugs, even when he isn't dreaming. 

Bugs woke up in the blue recliner, feeling water splash his feet. He looked down and realized that the house was flooded. Daffy was still sleeping, not hearing the sound of the water move around, which was about 1 foot high. "Daffy! Wake up!"

Daffy snored.

"Daffy! The house is flooding!" The water started to fill up rapidly.

Daffy rolled over and fell into the water, waking up. "What happened?"

"I don't know, but the house is flooding, we have to get out of here!"

"Okay." The water was already 2 feet tall. Daffy was three and a half feet tall, and Bugs was a little taller than that. "Let'sth go." Daffy ran to the door. "Aren't you coming?"

Bugs shook himself out of his daze. "Uh, yeah." He ran over and Daffy opened the door, sending more water in. Now the water was at the top of the stairs. Bugs had gotten knocked down and the pouring rain sent more water in. Bugs swam to the top. "Daffy?" Water smacked Bugs in the face. "Daffy!?" He held his breath and plunged into the cold water. Daffy was floating in the water, but Bugs couldn't see him. Daffy's heart was beating quickly, and his eyes stung from the water. He didn't know what to do, or what he was supposed to do. Would Bugs be happier if he just didn't exist anymore? Or would Bugs break apart? Should he try to swim? Or should he just let himself sink over time, waiting for Bugs to help him, risking the chance of surviving? What if Bugs never helped him? What if Bugs truly hated him, not in the way that Daffy said he did? 

What if Bugs truly loved him, not in the way that he said he did?

What if he didn't love him like an annoying brother, and instead loved him like an annoying lover? But what if he didn't? No, Daffy wouldn't go down that path. He took the risk and tried to swim to the stairs, kicking his legs back and forth and moving his arms. He did everything correctly, yet he didn't go anywhere. He tried a couple more times, but he didn't move.

Bugs saw Daffy and swam towards him, holding out his hand. Daffy perked up. Was this proof that Bugs didn't hate him? When he tried to accept his hand, a blinding light filled the whole room.


Bugs appeared in a pitch black room, if you could even call it that. It seemed to go on forever, and the floor felt like glass. Bugs's fur was still soaking wet. He stood up and looked around. Daffy was nowhere to be seen. "What happened...?" Bugs stood up and looked around. "Daffy?" His voice echoed across the place. "How did I get here?" Suddenly, Bugs felt the presence of someone walking behind him and turned around. "Daffy?"

Daffy was walking... somewhere. He seemed as if he couldn't hear him.

"Daffy?" Bugs jogged over and waved his hand in front of his face and Daffy seemed unfazed. "Daffy!" Bugs tried to shake Daffy, but his hands went right through him. "What-"

Daffy stared at Bugs. His eyes peirced into his soul like daggers. Sweat started to form on Bugs's head from the pressure. "Bugsth!" He suddenly looked worried for him, shaking him like Bugs tried to moments before. "Bugsth, wake up! BUGSTH! Suddenly, it was as if Bugs could hear Daffy's thoughts and feel his emotions. They were echoing around the room. Bugs could feel his pain, his worry, his... love? That didn't make any sense. Daffy likes some girl, it was probably just Bugs's imagination. But the more he rejected the thing he wanted so much, the louder Daffy's thoughts got, and they weren't even about love.

'Why is his fur so wet? You know what, I don't want to know. Just take his temperature... Of course. He's sick, and I'm stuck taking care of him.'

Bugs was confused, and right before he tried asking Daffy what was going on, he woke up. His fur was soaked in a cold sweat, and there was an ice pack on his head. He saw Daffy sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating cereal, there was a thermometer on the coffee table. His head hurt, and his ears were drooping, even though he was no longer sleeping. "Daffy?" His voice was weak, almost as if he was losing it, and his throat was sore.

Daffy looked over at Bugs. "You're awake. You're also sthick, sthomehow. You have a fever of 110 degreesth Farenhite. I probably should have taken you to the hosthpital, but you were too heavy, and I couldn't wake you up." Daffy shrugged. A rabbit's normal body temperature is 104 degrees. "Oh, and you've been sthleeping for two daysth, tossthing and turning."

"That's... interesting." Bugs took the ice pack off of him when he remembered his weird dreams, which must have been fever dreams. "I have a question."


"Do you... am I-" Bugs couldn't figure out how to say what he wanted to. "Is there anybody-" Bugs sighed. "Are you interested in anybody?"

Daffy tensed up and put his bowl on the table. "Uh, yeah..." He was wondering if he should add 'you', but decided not to. "Why, exactly?"

Bugs thought he heard him say 'Uh, yeah... you.' "What did you say?"

"I said yeah. Then I asked why you wanted to know."

"Oh, I thought-" Bugs stopped himself. "I wanted to know because... I had this weird dream..." Bugs didn't know why he was telling him this.

"And?" Daffy picked his cereal back up, not wanting it to get soggy.

"I could... read minds or something. But it was weird, because there was nobody else there except for you."

Daffy hummed to let him know he was listening.

"And I was in a room that was a lot like how you explained your coma-"

Daffy spit out some of his cereal all over the table. "Uh... I'll clean it."

"... And so like I said before, you were there, but you were just staring at me like I did something wrong. Then suddenly, you started shaking me, yelling my name and asking me to wake up."

"Stho that happened yesterday." Daffy grabbed some paper towels and started cleaning up the mess.

Bugs paused. That was yesterday? It felt like a few minutes ago. "I guess."

Daffy finished cleaning his mess and cleaned up the mess from cleaning his mess. "I'm still listening."

"Then, I could hear your thoughts, echoing throughout the room."

"What wasth I thinking about?" Daffy usually didn't listen to people's dreams, but this one had him in it. He picked up his bowl and started to walk in the kitchen.

Bugs remembered every word. "Why is his fur so wet? You know what, I don't want to know. Just take his temperatu-"

Daffy dropped the bowl on the floor and it shattered.

"Why do you keep doing things like that?"

"Becausthe..." Daffy turned to face Bugs. "...that'sth exactly what I had been thinking about.

Author's note: I really wanted to include Dummy in this, but I couldn't figure out how to, so... yeah.

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