A Dash Of Hate

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Its pitch black outside. Bugs and Daffy have been staring at eachother for twenty minutes. Its the only thing they can do. They both look exhausted. And hungry.

They haven't eaten for hours.

"Do you keep any food in here?" Daffy continued to lay on the steering wheel.

Bugs got up and opened the trunk. He grabbed two carrots and sat back down.

"I think I'd rather stharve."

Bugs grabbed Daffy's wrist and squeezed as hard as he could.

"OW!" Daffy shot up and was now sitting up straight. "Fine!" Daffy took a carrot and immediately bit into it. "I feel like I'm chewing on paper."

Bugs took a bite of his carrot and his face immediately scrunched up. He spit it out and snatched Daffy's carrot out of his hand. Bugs threw them away in a trashcan that was outside of the grocery store and got back into the car, shaking his head.

"Bugsth?" Daffy's voice was shaky.

Bugs looked at Daffy, giving him his full attention.

"I want to hear your voicthe." Daffy really did. He felt like Bugs wasn't there. He wanted to hear a voice other than his own. "Can you sthpeak?"

Bugs shook his head. He exhaled and took a notepad from the glove compartment. He used the pen from before and started writing. 

'A List of Things I Hate'

Daffy tried to look over his shoulder to see what Bugs was writing, but he turned the notepad away. Daffy understood that he didn't want him to see, but continued to try to read it anyway. Bugs nudged him away. Daffy scoffed and leaned back in his chair.

When Bugs was done, he closed the notepad and eventually drifted off to sleep.

When Daffy noticed that Bugs was sleeping, he took to notebook and started reading the list.

'A List of Things I Hate

I hate being forced to stay quiet.

I hate feeling hopeless.

I hate how Daffy puts the blame on him.

I hate seeing Daffy struggle.

I hate seeing Daffy cry.

I hate feeling trapped.

I hate when Daffy is in pain.

I hate forcing a smile when I'm not happy.

I hate when my space is invaded.'

Daffy forced himself to stop there. He didn't want to continue reading.

What if he was on that list?

He knew that he probably wasn't, but Daffy still was worried. He eventually got tired and put the notepad and pen back where they were before.


I've been awake since sunrise.

It's a pain being stuck in a car with nothing to do. Usually I like sitting around doing nothing, but that's when I'm in my house, knowing everything will be okay.

I added that to my list. Its all I can really do.

The silence was so loud I wanted to rip my ears out. There are no places really open this early, and if they were, I couldn't do anything about it.

I still can't speak.

I decide to turn on the radio on a random station to try to avoid hurting myself.

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