Guardian Angels

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"Come on, guys! We have to talk to them before they fall asleep!" Yakko adjusted his halo.

"But what if they don't take the news well?" Wakko put away his mallet.

"They'll be fine." Yakko started walking to the house.

Dot followed behind. "Just don't let Daffy know that Bugs likes him."

"Got it." Wakko followed them.


Bugs lied down in his bed, thinking about the day. There was so much to process, even though they did so little.

Daffy's behavior had been pretty strange today, but it wasn't like yesterday's behavior. He acted weird when he made any type of contact with Bugs. Especially eye contact. Bugs didn't know if it was bruises or blush that was spread across Daffy's beak. He just knew that Daffy's beak was definitely red in some places.

Suddenly, Bugs's door started to open, and there was a figure at the door. 


"No." The figure dissolved into three, and jumped on Bugs's bed. "Are we what you imagined we'd look like?"

"Aren't you the dogs from Daffy's dream?"

"We're not dogs. But yes." The one in brown pants was talking. "We're-"

"Yakko, Wakko, and Dot? He told me about you."

"Yeah, that's us." Dot spun her halo. "We're Daffy's guardian angels."

Guardian angels? That's why Daffy could always get out of a dangerous situation? "Do I have guardian angels?"

"No." Wakko stood on Bugs's bed and noticed a bowl of carrots on the table. He grabbed one and ate the whole thing in two bites.


"Because you aren't like him."


Yakko interrupted Bugs. "He's... daffy. Anyone who fits into that category gets a guardian angel to protect them from the danger they create. Usually you only get one, but Daffy needs multiple. You honestly can just sign up to get one, Bugs." Yakko realized he wasn't on task. "But we didn't come here to talk about that."

"We came to talk to you about Daffy." Dot started adjusting her flower. "And your liking to him."

Bugs stiffened. How did anyone know? He never told anyone, and he definitely didn't tell Daffy.

"He doesn't understand love." Wakko took the whole bowl of carrots and dumped them into his mouth. "He's never felt it, so he won't pick up on any cues."

Bugs was shocked. Daffy had never loved anyone at all? Or just romantically?

"Romantically." Yakko was literally reading his mind.


"We can read minds. He hasn't loved anyone romantically, and nobody has fallen in love with him either."

"Why are you guys helping me? Shouldn't you be... doing guardian angel things?"

"What are we supposed to do when Daffy's asleep?"

"Just make him feel good. You don't necessarily have to make him laugh, that's his area. But give him the best time of his life." Wakko placed the bowl on the nightstand. "Do you happen to have anymore carrots? "

"Yeah. Let me get you some. And I'll do the best I can with Daffy." Bugs got out of bed and quietly headed down the stairs, heading to his fridge. When he opened up his fridge, he saw half of it filled with fish. Daffy. Bugs sighed and grabbed three carrots from the fridge. When he walked upstairs, he found the bowl moved from the nightstand onto the bed. There was also a note:

We had a very important guardian angel thing to attend to, but this won't be the last time you see us.

          - Dot

At the bottom, it read:

Please put the carrots in the bowl. They taste really good.

          - Wakko

Bugs followed the instructions and placed the carrots into the bowl. They disappeared right away. Bugs put the bowl back on the table and placed the note in a drawer. Then he climbed back into bed and went straight to sleep.


Daffy couldn't sleep. He watched Bugs when he grabbed some carrots and brought them back upstairs, but he didn't hear a word from the conversation between the guardian angels and Bugs.

He couldn't sleep because his mind was swirling with thoughts. He knew that Dummy would come back. He knew that Bugs acted weird around him. And he knew that he was in pain.

He didn't know what even really happened to make his body hurt this bad. Falling on the floor twice shouldn't have done that much damage. Daffy knew this, because he fell on the floor at least three times each day. It's why Bugs just stared at Daffy when he fell the second time. He was expecting Daffy to just jump right back up.

Daffy was finally able to close his eyes after about 10 minutes, but then he felt something warm and fuzzy touch his leg. He opened them and found Dot sitting on it. But for some reason, Daffy wasn't in more pain. That part of his leg was in less pain now. In fact, his whole body seemed to be healing faster.

"Is thisth a hallucthination?"

"No. I'm one of your guardian angels."

"Stho thosthe wingsth were real?"


"Where are your brothersth?"

"They were having trouble teleporting, so I was supposed to..." Dot got up. "Hold on." She walked to the front door and unlocked it. Then her brothers came walking in.

"Hi, Daffy." Yakko sat in Daffy's recliner. Wakko joined him.

"Uh, hi."

"We came to tell you... that you're lonely."


"You need to find someone to love! If you don't, you'll stay lonely."

"I'm not lonely. I've got plenty of friends."

"But do you have someone to stay by your side no matter what?"

"Yesth, Bugsth and Tina."

"Uh- well- bye!" Yakko forgot how to yak for a couple seconds. He snapped his fingers and the three of them disappeared.

Daffy's body immediately went back to the terrible pain that it was in before. But he was even more tried than before, so he tried his best to stop moving and fell asleep.


"Nice going, Yakko." Dot was annoyed. 

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"Change the subject?" Dot had her hands on her hips.

Wakko walked in the kitchen to find three carrots in the fridge. "He saw my note!" He walked out of the kitchen with three carrots, then ate them in the blink of an eye.

"I'm tired. We all have a long day tomorrow."

They all headed to bed right away.

Screwball (Baffy/BugsxDaffy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now