What Even Is Love?

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"Oh, hey." I stop staring at Bugs so I can focus on my guardian angels. They haven't changed one bit. "What are you guysth doing here?"

"We ran out of carrots." Wakko looked at Bugs. I looked at him too. Did they visit Bugs too? What did they say?

"No we didn't, Wakko. We bought more." Dot started fidgeting with her halo.

"We didn't come here for carrots." Yakko took a step forward. "We obviously came to talk about you."

I clear my throat. "Did you guysth happen to... I don't know... visit Bugsth at some point?"

"Yes. But we aren't hear to talk about that. We have something exciting to tell you."

"Did you get a girlfriend?"


"Or are you moving?"

Dot put her halo back. "What are you talking about?"

"Sthorry, it's just kind of my go-to phrasthe when told that sthomeone has exciting newsth."

"Yakko, let me take it from here. You always take the spotlight." Dot took a step forward, making her stand in front of Yakko. "Daffy, we can grant you one wish."

"Really? Why?"

"Our boss wants to spice things up here on Earth."

"Huh. Okay."

"So what's your wish?"

"I've already got it. But first, I have a couple of questionsth."

"Go ahead."

"What doesth it mean when my heart beatsth faster and faster when I'm around sthomeone, and they make me feel nervousth? And when that persthon makes me laugh, even when they aren't even being funny? And when-"

"Daffy, that's called love. You've fallen in love with somebody?"

"Is that what it is? Because I thought there was something wrong with me." My beak started to get red. I don't want to answer Dot's question, though. I'll tell him on my own terms.

"Who is it? Also, can I have some carrots? The carrots here are better than the ones in the store."

"Uh... sthure." I get up and walk to the fridge. When I open it, a carrot falls into my hand. "Here you go." My beak was still red, and was getting redder by the second.

"You haven't answered the first question." Wakko ate the carrot in only a couple bites.

"Uhh... doesth it matter? And can't you guysth figure it out with your angel powersth?"

"We have to observe you closely." Yakko looked like he wanted to get back into the conversation.

"Oh. Well, it doesthn't matter too much doesth it?" I sit back down on the couch, careful to not touch Bugs.

Dot sighed. "What is your wish?"

"Do I have to say 'I wish'? Or what?"

"Say 'I wish'."

"Okay. I wish... I wish Bugsth could speak again."


I look at Bugs. Nothing changed.

"We're not waking him up. That would be rude. We're animals, not monsters."

"I know." My beak starts to cool off, but its taking much longer than it took to heat up.

"So, who is it?" They all jump on top of me.

"Do I have to sthay?"

"Yes! So we can play matchmaker! It's fun!" Dot adjusted herself so she wouldn't dig her knee in my leg.

Screwball (Baffy/BugsxDaffy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now