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I sat across from Lucas as he fiddled with his sling-shot, my head resting on my hands.

"Scoops troop, I repeat, do you copy?" Mike yelled into his walkie talkie. "We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation."

Lucas began stretching the band of his shot back and fourth before pulling it back and aiming it straight ahead. "Please don't hit me with that." I sighed. Death by sling-shot was not exactly how I wanted to go.

"Sorry." He mumbled sheepishly before adjusting his aim just over my right shoulder.

"Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us...."

I arose from my seat and started walking over to Max and Will. "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?"

I stopped just behind Nancy and stared down as she loaded a gun. "This is just a precaution, okay?"

Will quickly glanced at me and then to Max, which caused Nancy to turn and look at me. "And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, then so does the mind flayer."

Mike was still walking back and fourth yelling into the walkie talkie and Nancy lazily pointed towards the overturned car. "No chance that thing will drive, right?"

"We don't need it to drive." Jonathan spoke, excitement in his eyes, "We just need the ignition cable."

"Come on then." I half laughed as I ran over to the car, the others following in toe. I climb on the counter behind the car and began shoving at the car.

"Push!" Mike yelled as the car began to budge.

I shoved it with all my might before letting go in defeat. "It's too fucking heavy." I panted.

"Let me try." El said as she stepped forwards.

"El..." Mike sighed as he caught his breath.

"I can do it." She said confidently.

"Alright, everyone move." Nancy ordered.

We all cleared the area and stood behind El. I watched in anticipation as she held out her right hand and focused on the car. After a few moments the car began to creak and move back and fourth before it dropped back into place.

El let out an agitated cry before putting her arm back down by her side. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, you're tired and you did your best." I smiled as I embraced her in a small hug.

"Uh, grab those poles over there and we can use it to lever the car over. Basic physics." Mike suggested as s
he pointed to the bits of metal that were lying together.

"That should work." I smiled before lifting a golden pole.

After everyone grabbed one, we all positioned ourselves behind the car once again. "1...2...3...Push!"

I pushed at the car with all my strength until we finally got it balanced onto its side. "Great, now all the way." Jonathan nodded as he hopped up beside me.  "Ready? Push!" I aligned my pole up with everyone else's on the side of the car and put all my weight into it. After a few moments the car finally fell so that all four wheels were on the ground.

"Told you." Mike smiled as he breathed heavily. "Physics."

Max quickly hopped down off the counter and offered her hand up to me. "Thanks firecracker."

I followed her over to Mike and sent him a nod. "What's she doing?" Max suddenly asked. I followed her gaze and frowned at Eleven, who was rummaging through a garbage can.

The three of us slowly walked towards her as she stared at an empty coke can. "El?" I said slowly.

"Are you okay?" Mike questioned as he stepped closer.

Suddenly, a distant banging brought my attention away from El and I glanced at Max. She frowned before slowly turning and looking up towards the ceiling. I swallowed before following her gaze, and holy shit I wish I didn't.

I stared in horror as the faint outline of a monster could be seen through the glass roof of the mall. Slowly, it started to walk on the glass and I could see cracks start to appear.

"Mike." Max squeaked.

Mike slowly turned around and looked up and I could hear him gasp from beside me. "Nancy!" He screamed to alert her and Jonathan of our impending doom, before grabbing El's hand and running across the mall.

"Max come on." I rushed as I grabbed her hand, dragging her along as I followed Mike and Eleven. Moments later a huge crash echoed throughout the mall and I looked behind me, only to see the monster fall through the roof and stick a perfect landing right where we had been just moments before.

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