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"Guys he's going to freak the fuck out." I frowned as I finished colouring in the 'welcome home' banner. Turns out when Max asked me to 'help', she really should have just said 'come and do it all for us Evie while we sit on our asses and tell you not to color outside the lines.'

"No he's not." Lucas replied.

"Yeah it'll be fine, besides, it's funny." Will nodded.

"If you say so." I smiled. Damn I couldn't wait to tell them 'I told you so' when he hits one of them over the head with a tennis racket or some shit.

"Guys, he's here." Max whisper shouted as she peeked out the window. I quickly grabbed the banner and followed everyone around a corner to hide.

I stood with my back pressed against the wall beside El. She had her eyes closed in concentration and a small trickle of blood ran from her nose. I could hear all of Dustin's toys enter the sitting room before they all suddenly went dead. I placed the party blower between my lips and followed everyone out. Max silently counted to three before we all yelled in surprise. I wish I could of had a camcorder just so I could rewatch the moment that Dustin sprayed Lucas in the eyes with hairspray at zero range. It was hilarious.

After Dustin finally realised it was us, he dropped the can and stood back. "Lucas I am so sorry."

I really had to surpress a laugh as Max dragged Lucas off to the kitchen to wash his face. "It burns!"

"Welcome home," I smiled as I gave Dustin a hug, "how was camp?"

"Amazing, I made some cool stuff, you guys wanna see?" Mike, Will and El followed him into his room and I made my way to the kitchen to check on Lucas.

He was rinsing his face in the sink and Max stood beside him. "You know," I propped myself against the counter, "I hate to say it, but I tol-"

"Then don't say it." Lucas groaned as he continued to rub his eyes. I made eye contact with Max and we smirked. This is why women live longer than men.

Suddenly, the others burst down the hallway and headed towards the front door. "What's going on?" Max asked.

"We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" The three of us said in unison.

"So is this like a girlfriend girlfriend or is she just someone who smiled at you once and now you're in love?" I asked as I traipsed up the hill after the kids. Mike and El had split so now it just left me, Max, Lucas, Will and Dustin.

"You know, I don't like how shocked you guys are at the fact that I actually have a girlfriend." Dustin grumbled as he dumped his bag onto the ground. "Alright, we made it."

"Yeah and it only took like five hours" Max frowned.

"Yeah why couldn't we just play D&D." Will sighed from beside me.

"You can play D&D anytime. Besides, we can't pass up a chance to talk to Dustin's girlfriend."

"Evie stop saying it like that." Dustin whined as he opened the bag. I nudged Will with my elbow and smirked.

We spent the next hour piecing together and building cerebro and my arms felt like jelly once we had finally finished.

"Alright, you ready to meet my love?" Dustin announced.

The others gave a string of agreement and I just nodded in response. Dustin turned on the walkie and spoke into it. "Suzie, do you copy? It's Dustin, over."

My face fell after he did this three more times and received no response. "She's probably just busy." I voiced. What a time to be busy, I mean, literally any other time would have been a good time to be busy except right fucking now.

We all stayed with Dustin for a while longer before leaving. I felt quite bad for leaving him on his own, but it was getting late and I had to get home on time to meet Billy.

𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [2]Where stories live. Discover now