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"You want to tell me what that was about before I go out there and drag that son of a bitch back to drown him?" Billy was leaning against the back shelves of the store with his arms crossed over his chest. His sunglasses were low on his nose and I could see his intent gaze wash over me.

"Tommy's an asshole, I can handle him. Besides, drowning a guy would definitely get you fired." I shrugged.

Billy looked at me for a few moments more before nodding.

"Yeah, " His voice was low and a small smile played on his lips. He stepped forward, unfolded his arms and wrapped them around my waist, "and then how would we get to do this."

A smile spread across my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. I hadn't seen him in two days and honestly, I missed him. Billy ran his hands up and down my waist before he placed them at the bottom of my thighs. I broke the kiss momentarily to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. We moved so my back was pressed against the shelves and I could feel the cool air fan blowing just above our heads, abolishing the crippling heat that was creeping in from outside.

"Billy." I mumbled through kisses, suddenly remembering that he was on watch. "We've gotta go."

"No." I could feel the grin on his face.

"Excuse me?" I laughed as I got down and back onto my feet.

"Come on, Evie." A frown was now very evident on his face.

"We'll have plenty of time for this," I motioned between us with a small smirk gracing my lips, "later, besides, I'd actually like to swim this once."

"Fine you win." He pouted. This bitch was really pouting. Fucking pouting.

"Damn right, you big baby."

Billy rolled his eyes and moved over to open the store room door. I walked out first and shook my hips while walking away, chuckling as I heard him groan from behind me.

I returned to my deck chair and kicked off my flip flops before making my way to the deep end of the pool. Without a second thought I took a deep breath and pencil jumped in.

I waited until my feet had hit the bottom of the pool and opened my eyes once I was fully submerged. I slowly glanced around. It was so peaceful under here and if I focused hard enough I could fool myself into thinking I was deep sea diving in a tropical paradise. Just as I was about to blow some bubbles, my tropical fantasy was ripped away when a rogue plaster floated past me. Fucking disgusting. I took that as my cue to resurface, and pushed off the bottom, entering back into the hot Hawkins air. I floated there for a second and I could feel Billy watching me from his guard seat. At least I knew I wasn't at risk of dying from drowning, although, fungal plaster disease, not so certain.

After fighting my way through a group of middle schoolers I finally climbed out of the pool. Just as I began walking back to my lounger, I overheard the group of Hawkins' cougars thirsting over Billy. I couldn't help but take a glance at them just as they were all fixing their swimsuits and glancing up at him through their clumpy eyelashes. I'm pretty sure my face contorted into a look of horror when I saw Nancy's mom pushing up her cleavage. I quickly tore my eyes away just as I felt the sudden urge to gag.

Once I had made my way back to my lounger, I spread out my towel and slowly lay down. God I hope I get a decent tan this summer. I could really do with not being a pasty bitch this season. I rested my arms by my side and unwillingly fell asleep.

"You ready to go or should I leave you here to cook a little longer?"

I awoke to Billy standing at the end of the lounger, his shadow looming over me.

"The fuck are you talking about?" I sat up and stretched my arms above my head.

"My shifts finished." Billy spun his locker key on his finger and with a frown on my face I turned my head to look at the giant clock above the changing rooms. I had been lying here for two hours. Great. Sun stroke was totally my plan for today.

"For fucks sake." I grumbled as I stood up and organised my things. I groaned as I looked down at my body. There was a nice brown tint but I could see a horrible red undertone start to appear on my legs. "Well, I hope you like barbecued girlfriend." I sighed.

"I'd like you no matter what." He grinned before motioning me away from the lounger and out of the pool grounds. We reached the parking lot and Billy pointed to his car. "Mine?"

"Sure, but I don't know when I can get my car if I do."

He slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to his car. "I'll bring you back later on."

"Thanks." I nodded once we reached the Camaro.

"No problem." He grinned as he opened my door for me. I quickly got in but let out a small yelp once I sat on the seat. It felt like a goddamned stove.

"Careful Evie," Billy smirked as he got in the driver's side and started up the car, "don't want to burn your ass as well."

"Shut up." I smirked back. We started to drive and as soon as we hit the main road I rolled my window all the way down and leant back so I could rest my feet out of the opening. 'Loverboy' by Billy Ocean quietly played over the radio as we made our way to Billy's house. I moved my head so it was resting against Billy's leg and lifted a cigarette out of a pack that was on the floor

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