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Billy's right hand rested on my thigh as he vigorously tried to light a cigarette with his left. It was obvious that he was still pissed about the incident with Neil and honestly, who could blame him, but It was tearing me up that I didn't really know what to do to put his mind at ease.

"Can you light this piece of shit for me before I throw it out the window." Billy asked as he handed me the cigarette and lighter while driving with his knees.

I quickly lit the cigarette and took a drag before leaning over and placing it between his lips. "Minimum of one hand on the wheel at all times please." I said with a light smile.

"What?" Billy chuckled, "you've never drove with your knees before?" He looked me dead in the eye before removing his hand from the wheel and placing it behind his head.

"No because I'm not crazy." I half laughed, trying to grip the wheel to avoid us swerving into some dustbins.

"Oh yes, of course, whatever you say." He grinned. Smartass. I shot him a small glare before removing my hand from the wheel as he placed both of his on it.

After a few minutes of us both sitting in silence, I started to fiddle with the knobs on the radio player. After flicking through a few stations and noticing Billy's distasteful facial expressions, I finally settled with 'Sussudio' by Phil Collins.

I sat back and noticed a little red light on the dash that I'd never seen before. "What's that?" I frowned.

"Hmm?" Billy hummed with a frown. I pointed to the light and he sighed. "It's a warning light, something's fucked in the engine."

"Well can it be fixed?" I frowned. I'm pretty sure he loved this car more than life itself and I genuinely think he'd have a breakdown if she had to be scrapped.

"Yeah," he sighed again before running his left hand over his face, "I'll get a part from Wallace tomorrow after work."


"Better fucking not be."

I eyed the light for a few seconds more before I sat back again in my seat. Billy's right hand found its way back onto my thigh and i smiled.

"How'd I get so lucky with you?" Billy suddenly mumbled through his cigarette.

I moved a strand of fallen hair behind my ear and took a glance at him just as we turned into the parking lot of the pool. "I don't know," I shrugged, "I often ask myself the same thing." A small smirk crept it's way onto my face. "I mean, I am pretty awesome."

"That you are." Billy chuckled before pulling up beside my car. I waited for him to turn off the engine before I opened my door and got out. I closed it behind me and made my way around the front of the car just as a soft breeze bit at the back of my legs. It was getting late and the unfathomable heat that was present hours ago was now a mere memory as I wrapped my arms around myself.

"You cold?" Billy frowned as I leant against the bumper beside him.

"Maybe." I quickly took a cigarette from the pack in his hand before reaching in his pocket for his lighter.

"Help yourself." He chuckled. I dragged my focus away from the now illuminated cigarette and handed his lighter back with a sheepish grin.

The wind started to settle down and the two of us leant against the car in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company.

Billy took a deep drag of his cigarette before letting out a long sigh. "Do you ever think of getting out of here?" He tilted his head back to the sky as he spoke.

"Out of Hawkins?" A frown made its way onto my face.

A small nod was all that I got in response. Sure I'd thought about packing my shit and leaving a million times after having a fight with my parents, but in all seriousness? I have no idea what I'm going to do when summer ends.

"I guess," I said slowly, "I mean, I don't plan to stay here forever but I never really thought about the bigger picture."

"I've been thinking about it lately, a lot." I looked at Billy as he spoke, he was staring at the sky, fully transfixed. "I want us to leave this shithole when summer's over, go somewhere new."

I moved closer to him as I processed what he said, now fully closing the small space between us. "That's a big decision." I said slowly.

"You saying you don't want to?" He was now looking at me.

"What I'm saying is that we don't have any money."

"I'll sell the Camaro." I felt my eyeballs bulge in my skull. I guess he really isn't messing around now.

"You love your car." I patted the hood of the Camaro for good measure.

"Yeah," Billy hoisted himself up into a sitting position and pulled me up beside him, "but I love you more." This bastard really knows how to sweet talk his girl.

"Alright," I pulled my right knee up to my chest and leant into Billy, "where would we go?"


I must have made a face because Billy chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You'll love it Evie. There's beaches and clubs and all the open road you can fucking dream of."

At his words I cracked a small laugh. "You sound like you're telling a bedtime story.

"It sounds good though."

"Really." I found myself staring into his eyes with a shit eating grin on my face and in that moment I realized, I'd follow this man anywhere, to the ends of the earth if I had to. "Okay," I nodded, still looking him in the eye, "let's do it. End of summer."

"Really?" He grinned, realising I was serious. I nodded once more and began laughing when Billy suddenly jumped up off the hood and pulled me into his arms.

"You and me against the world, right?" I said once we had both calmed down a little.

"Always." He pulled me in and cupped my face in his hands before kissing me on the lips. I could feel him smiling as all of the passion and excitement flowed between us.

Slowly the kiss broke and Billy draped his arm around my waist as we walked back over to the Camaro. I leant my head against his shoulder, staring at nothing inparticular. I can't believe that we were going to do this. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel uneasy about it but I know that as long as I was with Billy, everything would be alright.

The two of us dropped back into comfortable silence again until a shot of light caught my eye. "Billy look," I smiled before pointing to the sky, "a shooting star."

I glanced at Billy, who's mouth was open. "Wow." He said softly.

"Make a wish." I said while grinning.

He let out a throaty laugh before standing up and moving himself to stand in front of me. "Okay, I wish-"

I cut him off by pressing my hand to his mouth. "No!" I giggled. "If you tell me then it won't come true."

"And you call me the child." He laughed.

𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [2]Where stories live. Discover now