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After my shift had finished, I clocked out and gave Max a ride to Starcourt. She was meeting Mike, Will and Lucas to go and watch Dawn of the dead and I'd be lying if I said that the film looked good and that I didn't want to go too. We pulled up outside the mall and I saw Mike and Lucas waiting outside. I gave them a wave before sitting back in my seat.

"You guys need any money?" I asked. At my words, an amused expression made its way onto Max's face.

"We don't pay." I waited for her to elaborate but when she unclipped her belt and reached for the door handle, I just laughed.

"Mysterious, I like it."

"Bye Evie," she chuckled lightly before getting out of my car, "and thanks for today, it was nice."

"Anytime firecracker, have fun."

She closed the door behind her and I shot her a smile through my rear view mirror before exiting the parking lot.

I decided to drive around the outskirts of town for a while, 'The reflex' by Duran Duran playing on my mix tape. After a moment of contemplation, I decided to make a quick stop. I entered the small gas station building and picked up a new pack of cigarettes, a half tank of gas and a two pack of beer. After paying and saying goodnight to the cashier I returned to my car and drove towards home.

The sun had just finished setting once I pulled into my driveway and I eagerly got out of my car and entered the house. Exhaustion took over me and I needed sleep. Like, right fucking now.

I turned on a few lights on my way up to my room before dumping my belongings in a heap on the floor. I peeled off my clothes and replaced them with a large t-shirt and some stretchy pyjama shorts before collapsing onto my bed.

I lay there with my eyes closed for a while until I got a pain in my back and rolled onto my side. My eyes opened and roamed around my room before landing on the small carrier bag which was strewn on the ground. It's fair to say that I have the willpower of a bee during pollen season, as I just couldn't help myself from rolling off the bed not thirty seconds later and scooping up the bag.

I left my room with the bag in hand and strolled downstairs into the living room. I grabbed the remote and switched on the TV before flinging myself onto the couch.

An old rerun of 'The price is right' played in the background as I popped the tab on one of the beer cans. I often thank my lucky stars that I got a good paying summer job at a place that's actually closed on weekends. It was fucking fantastic.

I was about four episodes deep into 'The price is right' and they were just about to announce who had won, when the power went out. I sat for a few moments before I let out a long and dramatic sigh.

"Fucking house and its stupid fucking power... Can't even watch a show in peace... Fucking stupid." I mumbled profanities to myself as I got up from the couch and stumbled throughout the house, trying to find our electricity box. I stopped in my tracks once I passed the window and noticed that the whole street, no, the whole town seemed to be in complete darkness.
"Fucking Hawkins."

𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [2]Where stories live. Discover now