Chapter 3

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When I opened my eyes the next day, the sun was shining to its brightest and there was no way I could fall back asleep. So, I checked my phone as I usually do when I get up in the morning. I got one message during my sleep; more specifically: a good morning text. It was the sweetest thing I ever gotten. Actually, it was the very first good morning text I ever got. He called me ''princess'', which made me blush and feel very special. I replied asking how his day was going and how was his flight, because of course we were on different timezones; him being in England and me in Canada... We had talked about ourselves alot the previous day and I don't know why, but I really felt like I actually really  knew him as Niall Horan, the irish guy who dyes his hair blonde and used to play soccer alot and only sing for fun, not as the Niall Horan every other Directioner knew. He was just wonderful. Even funnier than I thought he would be like, alot more romantic, sweet, nice, caring, thoughtful, generous and I could go on and on. I felt happy for once and I'm not just saying that because my dream boy thinks I'm pretty and amazing. No! I'm saying that, because I've had to go through alot in my life, but this...This was my dream and it actually came true. Of course, this still all made no sens to me, but I felt happy and very lucky. Lots of girls would be dying to be in my shoes right now.

*Niall's POV*

I had just arrived at Lou's house, when my phone buzzed. I was getting a text from Emilie. She had just woken up. I couldn't get her off my mind all day and getting a text from her just made me very happy. I only met her yesterday, but how I missed talking to her! She was just so fun to talk to, she could really keep a conversation going and there was no way of being bored. I wish I had met her sooner; I haven't felt like this in so long. To be honest, I don't even think I have felt this way about a girl before. Emilie was just so special, gorgeous, nice, sweet and funny. She treated me just like if I wasn't Niall Horan from One Direction. She treated me like a real person; an ordinary boy. I didn't know if I should tell the boys about her tonight. After all, she's a fan and who knows, maybe she's really told all her friends about me. I trusted her, but I didn't want our friendship, thing or whatever we were to be public just yet. I wanted to be sure she was just as serious about me as I was about her. I wanted to know if she really was into me, for me. There was also an other reason why I didn't want everyone to know about this, I didn't want the fans to hate her, because she got someday they don't. Our fans are very possessive of us and I wouldn't want anything to happen to the sweet Emilie. I wouldn't want her to get hate or anything. I mean, she doesn't deserve it; she's an angel. I know this sounds really crazy, it even does to me, but when I first saw her tweet with the picture of her, I thought it was cute than a fan would ask me if I thought they were good looking. But, when I saw her, with those beautiful hazel eyes, her long dark brown hair, her sweet little nose and her shy smile, the only world that could come out of my mouth was ''WOW!''. There were no other words. She just looked incedibly perfect. I even felt in my stomach a sensation that I had never felt befoe. It wasn't butterflies, it was more than that. I just had to talk to that girl. I HAD to. No matter how far away she was from me, I had to talk to her. 

*Louis' POV* 

I was happy to see Niall today, it had been kind of a long time since I last saw him. We were on vacation and he went home to Ireland to celebrate christmas with his lovely family. It felt strange not to have my four best friends with me each and everyday, but today, we were all seeing eachother again. I noticed that, Niall seemed a bit lost in his thoughts since he arrived. He also kept texting this unknown person all the time, which was odd, because Nial isn't the guy of guy to text all the time. 

''Niall, are you ok?'' I asked him gently and quiestly. I didn't want anybody to notice us. 

''Yeah, I'm fine. Why?'' Niall replied nervously.

''I don't know... You look like something's on your mind and you keep texting, that's just not you. You're usually always happy and miggleling at parties. Is something wrong?'' I said.

*Niall's POV*

I took Louis to another room, where it would be more private to tell him about Emilie. Louis has always been the one who notices it, when we're not feeling okay or when something is on our mind, but I didn't think this time, he would have noticed it that easily and that fast. I told him everything, about the tweets and DMs, the texts and my weird feelings for a girl I had never met in real life who is also a fan. I was waiting for an alot less udnerstanding reaction, but no. Louis was totally getting me. I felt like he really understood my feelings for Emilie. Could it be possible? Could I have love feelings for her? I did believe in love at first sight, but I never in a milion years would have thought it would happen to me. Louis suggested me to organize a meeting with her and if she didn't turn out to be as I thought she would, well I would have at least made a fan happy! So I picked up my phone and texted Em.

'' Hey princess! I just talked to Louis about all of this and he suggested me to organize a meeting. I kind of think it would be a great idea! What do you think? Would you be up for it? If not, it's okay. I'll understand, but don't worry; we'll make it VERY private so no fans would know and end up hurting you. Looking forward to your answer! Hope it's a yes! ;)

Love xxx

-Niall '' 

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