Chapter 13

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*Niall’s POV*

“Oh my god Niall! You remembered?” Emilie said in a surprised tone. She didn’t think I would remember her passion for sushi. And when I say passion, I really mean it. She was basically obsessed with them, almost as much as I was with Nando’s.  What was particular with this restaurant though, is that the waitresses were all blind and we were eating in the dark, so we couldn’t see each other. I had never been to a restaurant like that; neither did Emilie, so I thought we could try it out. It sounded super fun! When I called to reserve, they told me we would try lots of different types of sushi we don’t usually have, because the fishes are too expensive. It was a typical Japanese restaurant; we would sit on the floor and eat THEIR sushi. What was also great with this restaurant is that, nobody would recognize me. No fans asking me for autographs because nobody could really tell if it was me. No one would see me. This would just be a normal fun night out on a date with the most amazing girl in the whole world.

We entered the restaurant and the lady took our reservation and then leaded us to our table. It was incredible how the room was really dark. It was really like we were blind for real. We could only sense other people’s presence and hear them, but we couldn’t see them. We sat down, Emilie in front of me as the waiter arrived to bring us some drink. It wasn’t water; it was more like a sour and sweet drink. I thought it was maybe a Japanese fruit drink that we never heard of, it wasn’t that bad, I liked it. However, it seemed to be a little too sour for my princess. We had been here for about half an hour when the first sushi plate arrived on our table. Sushi wasn’t my favourite meal, but I couldn’t say this wasn’t good. Sometimes, when you see the sushi, you’re not so sure if you want to eat them or not, but this time, since we were blinded, we couldn’t judge if it would taste good from its appearance, so we ate it and it was really good: the best sushi I’ve ever eaten. I played a little trick to Emilie, she asked to replace her drink with something else, because she didn’t like it, but since we were in the dark, I replaced it with mine, the one she didn’t like, without her noticing. ‘’Awww come on Niall!’’ She would say. We laughed a lot tonight and it was perfect. No paparazzi, no people to bother us, just us with who knows how many people in a dark room.

Emilie was so special, I can’t even explain why. I know I’ve always said I didn’t fall in love with the eyes, but when I saw her picture, I just knew she would be the one I had been looking for. I had to get her, I had to meet her. I just had to. She looked so lovely in her picture. Her cute timid smile first caught my eyes along with her gorgeous bright greenish eyes. And when I met her, it was like my heart melted. Now, that I knew her a little better, I could really say my heart wasn’t wrong, she was really very amazing. Her personality was everything I was looking for. Emilie liked to cuddle, but not too much. She didn’t like a clingy boyfriend, and I wasn’t like that. We were alike on this part. We both needed our own bubble. She was one of the nicest girls I had ever met, in my entire life. She was hilarious, just like me. Her hugs were the best. She was a very caring girl. She was ambitious and she could look beyond someone’s image. She wasn’t selfish or anything like that. She was open to a lot of things and she could really keep a conversation going. She was shy, but in a very cute way. She would blush all the time and that honestly was the cutest. She was just gorgeous in and out.

We talked about a lot of things tonight; her me, life, the fans, how it is to be famous and how to deal with it. She told me she was afraid about the Directioners. Everyone liked Jariana, but would they like Nilie? That was the question. I guessed, we would find out on our way back to the Hotel, but that really frightened her. I tried to reassure her and told her I wouldn’t leave even if the fans didn’t like her. I mean, at some point, they would understand that she was here to stay and that whatever they would say wouldn’t do much. They would realize sooner or later that the only thing that was there to do is deal with it.  I told her to never mind what they could say, because it was sure some of the Niall girls wouldn’t like her. They would probably send her hate, because she took their boy, but they also had to understand I’m still their Niall, but with a girlfriend now. Emilie just felt bad, because she didn’t want to hurt them, but she wanted to be with me too. She was the cutest. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she had tears in her eyes just by the way she talked. ‘’What if they think I’m not good enough for you? Or pretty enough? Or too ‘’normal’’?’’ She said calmly. I told her nobody could ever replace her; she was unique. She was certainly not normal and if they didn’t like her, well, they would miss out on somebody amazing. ‘’If they send you hate, baby, just reply nicely. Don’t get mad at them, it’d just make it worse. Make them understand, you’re here to stay. And if they still don’t understand, well, fuck them.’’ I said as I grabbed her hand and softly caressed it. Emilie was very worried, I could tell.

 Despite all that, we had a lot of fun, but unfortunately this wonderful date had to come to an end. This was also my last night with my beautiful lady. I had to take the plane to go back home tomorrow a little before dinner. I was terribly sad about it and Emilie was too.  I paid for tonight and then we slowly walked hand in hand to the exit door. The limo was waiting for us outside. It started to snow while we were in the dark. It looked so beautiful, almost as beautiful as my date. She looked particularly lovely tonight. She looked a little older, but still very adorable. I, on the other hand, was wearing this black tux, not too chic, but not too casual either. We looked perfect together. We got into the limo and we sat down next to each other. One of Justin Bieber’s songs came on the radio. Justin was one of my favourite singers and he was one of hers too. Beauty and a Beat played, but it was a preview for his new upcoming album called Believe Acoustic, so it was an acoustic version of the song. She started to sing the verses. Emilie sang beautifully. She had a very pretty voice.

‘’Wow, princess! I didn’t know you could sing! Why didn’t you tell me?’’ I said as she kept singing for me. 

My Picture Caught His Eye  [A Niall Horan Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now