Chapter 4

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*Emilie's POV*

I was just finishing eating dinner, when I received a new text from Niall. As I was reading the message, I felt my face turning all red. I was blushing. I couldn't believe how sweet and cute he was being with me. It seemed almost impossible to be as sweet as him. He asked me if I wanted to meet him, yesterday. I told him I had to talk to my parents first, but I really wanted to. That would probably be the best day of my entire life! He also said he talked to Lou about me. But, what if the boys didn't like me? Or the fans? Particularly the fans, what if they really hated me and felt like I took their place in Niall's heart? I wouldn't want them to hate me for that... Niall told me that he felt like he had a thing for me, but I was not quite sure about my feelings, yet. The very successful boy band member did feel like a normal person to me now though... and I did get butterflies in my stomach each and every time he called me ''princess'' or ''beautiful'' or even ''babe''.  I just felt very special. So, I didn't know what this meeting could lead to, perhaps a friendship...or more? And what about my friends? I still hadn't told them anything, because I respected Niall's choice to keep us a secret as long as we aren't sure what our relationship is going to be like.. What if the so called private meeting wasn't so private after all? I would never want to lose them, because I did not tell them about Niall and me... Well, it's not like I could anyway. I know how my friends are and even if I would tell them to keep this to their selves, they just wouldn't; especially something as big as that! 

It was almost diner time and I still had not talked to my parents about Niall.. To be honest, I was scared they would say no. I mean, Niall was 19 years old and I was only 15. My parents were strict about dating. That's why I never really had a real boyfriend... I was sitting down at the kitchen table and I decided that I made Niall wait a little too long for his answer, I needed to tell my parents.

''Mom, dad! I need to talk to you about something'' I said with a trembling voice. 

''Yes, honey?'' spoke my mom looking like she got a question mark on her face. 

Once I was finished telling them the whole story, they agreed to let me meet Niall. I couldn't be happier! They said yes! They finally decided to let me go out with a boy! They said that if I really liked him and that was what I wanted, I was old enough to decide to whether or not see him.

As soon as dinner was over, I ran down back to my room the faster I could. I couldn't wait to set a date and a place to meet Niall. He could possibly come over to my house? It would be more private that way. But I still had to find something to do. Hmmm. I had no idea what we could be doing so I decided to first announce the very good news to the lovely Niall and then ask him if he had any ideas of what we could do!

As usual, it wasn’t very long to get his reply. I swear it was like he was staring at his phone’s screen until he got a new text message from me. I thought that was cute though, I liked guys that replied fast! It made me feel kind of important. I opened the text and read:

‘’That’s awesome! OMG, I can’t wait to meet you in real life! Are you free next weekend? It’s my last weekend of vacation and I might be able to catch a flight to come and spend a few days with your wonderful self! Hmmm I don’t have any particular ideas of what we could do, but we have to stay in, otherwise people will recognize me and we’ll be exposed…Do you want to watch some movies? And have a sleep over? We could do that in my hotel room if your parents aren’t comfy with me staying in their house… Don’t worry I totally understand if they don’t xx I can’t wait to see you! I bet you’re even more beautiful in real life! Love you princess xx’’

This boy never failed at making me feel special. Watching movie with him, in HIS hotel room? Hell yeah I was up for it! I mean, who wouldn’t want to watch movie with a hot guy like Niall Horan?

*Niall’s POV*

Emilie said yes. She said yes. Oh my god. I couldn’t recall the last time I had been this happy. Actually, I think I never was that happy before? This girl seriously made me go all crazy. The feeling I got while reading her text message was just simply incredible. I never had a feeling this strong and intense in my life. We decided we were going to watch movies, which is pretty much, in my opinion, the best way to start seeing somebody. You’re not obligated to talk a lot if you don’t want to, you can cuddle a little with the other person and there are no awkward moments. I let her choose which movie we were going to rent and I told her that since I was the guy, I would pay her back.

She thought I was acting like a gentleman, but really, I was just being myself around her. She was the first person that really made me feel this way.

The weekend was just two days away and I was already packing my suitcase. I was only staying in Canada for three to four days, depending on how it goes with Emilie, but I packed stuff for like a week. I didn’t know what to bring. I wanted to look good for her, but I also didn’t want to dress up too much. So, I asked Lou Teasdale, our band’s stylist, to pick out some outfits for me. In total, she picked out around 10 and I’m only going away for not even a week. Our stylist is very professional; she wants us to have an outfit for every occasion possible. She doesn’t want us to look bad in front of the paparazzis! Anyways, to sooner it got to the day that I met Emilie, the more excited I was getting. I could barely stay seated! That girl could seriously do some legit things to me. I mean that in a non-sexual way!

When I landed, I was the first one to get off the plane. I could just not wait to see her pretty eyes looking at me, but I was also very nervous. However, some fans tracked me down and were waiting for me at the exit of the airport. Emilie texted me saying she was too scared to wait for me at the door so she was just waiting for me in the limo I had rented for the ride from the airport to the hotel. Some of our bands bodyguards travelled with me, just to keep me safe. It was a very good thing they were with me, because the fans were crazy. I could tell they were really dedicated fans; they made cardboards for me and sang some of our songs. That made me a little less nervous about meeting my love. I think the fans didn’t know what I was exactly doing in their city without Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis; but I guess that’s a good thing; it means Emilie has nothing to be scared of.

As soon as I got into the limo, I froze. I was in front of Emilie, staring at her, she was just so much prettier in real life, she was already pretty, but now she was like ‘’WOW!!!’’. Her eyes were even sparklier than on the pictures. They were captivating. I couldn’t stop looking into them. She was wearing this very cute gray Aeropostale top with light blue jeans. Her hair was straight and perfectly falling down her body. She looked so tiny, but she was so gorgeous.

''Hi Niall!'' said Emilie in a very happy tone.

My Picture Caught His Eye  [A Niall Horan Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now