Chapter 9

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It was 10 to 3pm and I stood in front of the hotel entrance freezing. It was a very cold and windy day, it wasn’t snowing though. It hadn’t snowed a lot this year, only a few centimeters laid on the ground. However, the temperature seemed to be at its lowest. I was wearing my winter coat, a scarf and mittens, but I was still as frozen as I would be if I was in only my bikini. I had been waiting for 5 minutes, when I received a text message from Sarah. I opened it and read that the girls missed the city bus and that they had to wait another 10 minutes to catch the next one. So, instead of staying in the hotel reception, I decided to go up and join Niall in the room. I texted Sarah back to tell her to text me when they would be downstairs. I was so stressed and I couldn’t even understand why. I feared they would be upset. But at the same time, wouldn’t they be happy for me? They were my friends after all… A part of me wanted to keep Niall all to myself though; it wasn’t selfish, well, at least I didn’t think it was. I knew they would be all over him as they met him. I just knew they would be drooling about his perfect beauty and his unbelievable talent. I wasn’t quite sure if I was comfortable with that happening.

‘’Where are the girls?’’ Niall said noticing I was alone. ‘’Weren’t they supposed to come up to the room so we could talk it out all together?’’

I explained that they missed the city bus to come here because of the icy streets that were difficult to drive on so they would catch the next bus and they were supposed to be here in about 25 minutes. I took my coat and all my winter stuff off, and Niall noticed I was still very cold.

‘’Are you cold, baby?’’ He said as he walked closer to me. ‘’Do you want me to warm you up a little?’’ I nodded and he hugged me and brought me over to the bed. He took me in his arms a caressed both my arms and legs to warm them. ‘’My feet and finger are so cold, I can barely feel them anymore’’ I said as blowing on my fingers. Niall grabbed my feet and with his hands and pressed on them to warm then up, it worked very quickly. It was like his body was on fire; he warmed me up so fast, but to prevent us from freezing again he gently put a blanket covering our bodies with it. He was so caring, he didn’t want me to get hurt or want me to suffer.

We laid there for about 20 minutes until my phone started to buzz. It was Gabriella calling me.

‘’Hey Gabriella, are you downstairs, yet?’’

‘’Yes, can you come down and explain us why you wanted to meet us here? And tell us what your secret is. We’re dying to know!’’ She said in excitement.

She didn’t seem angry, at all. Maybe I was worrying too much. I literally ran downstairs; it had been such a long time since I haven’t seen my girls. I haven’t seen them since school ended, which was about 2 weeks ago. It felt like forever without them. They all went away to their families and I stayed here in Québec…

‘’Girls! I’m here!’’  I almost screamed as I ran in their direction.

‘’Emilie!’’ All three screamed as also running my way. We group-hugged and as soon as we leaned back, they started asking questions.

‘’So, tell us what is your big secrets!’’ Sarah said and Jenna added: ‘’Yeah, tell us, we’ve imagined so many scenarios, we can’t wait to know what it is!’’

‘’Okay, I will tell you. But first, you need to pinky promise me you, guys, won’t get mad or over excited.’’ They quickly brought their pinkies to mine. ‘’I’m seeing a guy.’’ I continued. Their face froze. It was unusual for me to say I was attracted to a guy; I never spoke about my feelings for guys. And now they were discovering that I was seeing a guy, which meant I liked him. I guess they were shocked, but that didn’t last too long before they started asking questions. ‘’Do we know him?’’ asked Gabriella. ‘’How old is he?’’ Jenna said as following Gab’s leads. But Sarah asked the question I was most afraid of: ‘’who is he?’’. I didn’t want to tell them just yet, I wasn’t ready, but they insisted. So I decided to bring them upstairs.

‘’Niall, I’m in the elevator on my way up with the girls. Xx’’ I texted Niall to warn him.

‘’Okay girls, don’t freak out alright. Remember, you promised me not to be over-excited.’’ I said my hand on the door knob before turning it allowing ourselves in. 

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