Chapter 14

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*Emilie's POV* 

Beauty And a Beat was one of my favourite Justin Bieber's songs. I knew the lyrics by heart. I didn't think I was actually good at singing, however I did enjoy it alot. 

''You sing so well, baby! You should totally record a demo and send it to a record label!'' Niall said in excitment. 

I had thought about doing that a while ago, but I never bothered to do it. I mean, I knew I wasn't that bad, but I never thought in a  million years I had the talent of a singer. Niall seemed very serious. During the whole way home, he would tell me how beautifuly I sang and how such a good voice I had. 

When we got to the hotel, we one after the other took a shower and then laid in bed cuddling. Niall looked like an angel with his wet blonde hair and his beautiful blue eyes staring at me. This almost seemed unreal. A month ago I would have never thought someting as amazing as this could happen to such an ordinary struggling throughout life girl. Niall had brought his laptop and decided to go on twitter for a bit and reply to some fans with me. He said that to me but deeply I knew he wanted to check what people were saying and if there were drama and hate. He cared about me, I could sens it very well. He logged on nervously and started to read the tweets in his interactions. When I saw that, oh Lord. He would get  a thousand tweets every second and he hadn't even tweeted something. I was surprised he saw my tweets to him. He took me by the waist and brought me inbetween his legs so he could rest his head on my shoulder and still be able to see the computer screen. We read alot of tweets together and replied to lots of them too. They weren't all positive, though. Some of them were very nasty. Nilie was all over twitter. Pictures of earlier this evening were on there too. I looked ridiculous with a bandana all over my face. Niall laughed, he said I looked cute. Some people were asking who I was, they thought I was famous or something. Some even thought I looked like Selena Gomez. To destruct all the rumors that had been created, Niall and I  decided to go over to the bathroom miror and take a picture.

''How do you want the picture to be? Me holding your waist like a really cute couple picture?'' Niall asked.

I thought that was a great idea. So, he placed himself behind me, both his hands on my hips. He gave me his phone to take the picture with, and right before I clicked on to take the picture, he pressed his lips on my cheek and I giggled. He was so cute. The picture looked super great and that's where I really noticed Niall and I looked great together. Despite all the physical traits that did not resemble, we looked cute. We looked happy together, just like Louis and Eleanor. 

''Aww Niall, look how cute we are together! Do you want to upload this one or take another? Because, you know, the kiss.. ?'' I said. ''oh no this one is perfect. you look gorgeous!'' He replied as he pressed his lips a second time onto my cheek. I was now facing his, my hand around his neck, the phone almost slipping from my hand. We were staring in each other's eyes. I was happy with him, he made me feel so alive. ''I don't want to leave tomorrow, Emilie.. I want to stay with you. I love you.'' The beautiful blonde guy said as a tear shed down his face. I didn't want his to leave either, I didn't want to go to school and face everyone again. I knew I wouldn't handle the questions very well. I wasn't prepared for this. I wished I was just old enough to go with him and continue school on the road, but I knew that even if I was 18, my parents would have never let me go. ''I'll miss you, Niall! Promise me you'll call me everyday.'' I said quietly. He nodded slowly before grabbing me by my waist and putting me over the counter as he then kissed me repeatedly and passionately. 

My Picture Caught His Eye  [A Niall Horan Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now