Chapter 10

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*Jenna’s POV*

Emilie and I were the closest of our little group of friends. We were so much alike! I was a little upset by her hiding something from me, but at the same time, I had been away all Christmas Holidays, so it was understandable. ‘’I’m sure you’ll like him’’ Emilie blushingly said on our way up in the elevator. I knew by her face, she really liked him a lot. Her eyes were sparkling; I’ve never seen her like that before. I had no idea who he was yet, but I knew he was good to her.

Emilie opened the door slowly and we saw him. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Was that really Niall Horan? The real Niall Horan? Before my eyes?

‘’Hi girls! Come on in!’’ Niall said coming closer to us. Gabriella and Sarah were just as shocked at me. The gorgeous boy leaded us to the couch, where we sat quietly. He sat next to Emilie putting his arm around her. ‘’So, the rumors on twitter were true! Niall was really here with a Canadian girl…’’ Sarah said confused. ‘’I thought those were so fake, to be honest…’’ Gab added. It felt so awkward in the room, I wanted to hide. I didn’t exactly know what to say, but I understood why Emilie kept Niall a secret. She couldn’t say a word, so Niall talked for her. He explained to us how they met, which was the cutest thing ever. I wished that would happen to me. Niall told us how he didn’t want us to get mad at our dear friend, because it wasn’t her fault. Being famous isn’t always easy. And he wanted her to keep it a secret until they were sure that they were going to get together, because you never know how the fans could react. He didn’t want the word to get out and the fans reacting badly and sending him and Emilie hate messages. Honestly, I wouldn’t have wanted that either. I wouldn’t want people to hate on Emilie. She’s told me everything that happened to her and her self confidence issues and the cutting and all that. I wouldn’t want it to happen again, because I knew I couldn’t do anything about it, and I knew she wouldn’t handle it, too much pressure on her, too much bad comments bringing her down. I knew she’d just back out of the relationship even if she loved him a lot. So, I was glad they kept it a secret. But now, what were they going to do? I mean, they couldn’t just date secretly… The other girls, although, didn’t seem to agree with me. They were too self-centered to understand why Emilie didn’t tell them right away. They weren’t mean girls, but to them, friends always tell each other these things. They seemed upset, but I knew they would get over it soon. Emilie explained us the whole breakfast episode and how she didn’t want us to find out about her and the beautiful blonde guy over Twitter. She wanted to tell us herself. She told us how she was scared, because she didn’t know how we would react.

‘’I still can’t believe you hid something as big as that from us…’’ Gab said.

‘’Is it because you were afraid we would tell everybody, because we’re Directioners? Sarah said quietly.

Emilie said it wasn’t because of that, but I knew deep down it was a little part of the reason. Every time Emilie liked a guy, he always ended up liking either Sarah or Gabriella. It was obvious she didn’t want it to happen again, but Niall really seemed to love her. During the whole meeting, he didn’t get his attention off her. He held her by her waist cuddling on the sofa; he held her close to him.

It was getting late and it was time for us to go home for dinner. We all got up; the couple walked us to the door. They looked so adorable together, one of the best couple I have ever seen. I was happy for Emilie, she really deserved it. We put our coats on, got our purse on your shoulders; we were ready to leave, but we wanted to see a little something before leaving.

*Emilie’s POV*

The meeting went super well; I didn’t think they’d react as well as they did. I knew Jenna would react better though, but I imagined them a little clingier towards Niall. They were still Directioners after all. All my stress went down; they accepted it and they weren’t even mad at me for keeping it from them.

‘’A kiss! A kiss! A kiss! We want to see a Nilie kiss!’’ My friends yelled before leaving. I knew they’d do that. That was typical of them. Nilie though, I sounded to pretty. And I think Niall agreed. He brought me closer to him, his hands on my waist, pulled up my chin as he leaned in for a passionate kiss. He removed my hair off my face softly and put his hand back on my waist. ‘’Awwwwwwwwwwww’’ The girls exclaimed. I knew they had their phones up to take our kiss in picture, just as I heard a little ‘click’. Niall laughed while he was still kissing me, it made me smile so much.

‘’See, baby, I told you it would be okay.’’ The blonde guy said as pulling me closer to him. I smiled and agreed with him. He was right; I was freaking out maybe a little too much. ‘’I’m starving, do you want to go out for diner, now that your friends know about us, we don’t have to hide. Or is it a little too early for you? Because that’s perfectly fine with me; I just want to show the world how such a beautiful girl existed.’’ He was holding me very close to him, I could feel his breath. My face redden, he was so caring and so sweet to me. I knew I had nothing to be scared of, if the fans were mad, well just too bad for them, Niall would protect me over anything. On this thought, I said yes to Niall. 

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