Chapter 7

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Lyric's POV

Harry put all the boys' and girls' numbers into my new phone. Liam was now sleeping in the back seat and I was looking through what he'd put as their names and chuckled.










"Harry? How did you come up with these?" I asked him.

He gave me a cheeky smile, "They're what you say in your sleep. Well, except Dani's that's her contact in my phone."

"And yours?" I asked.

He grinned, "Well, I am."

I poked his dimple, "I like boys who have dimples," I thought out loud.

"I like girls who like dimples and have hazel eyes," he said.

I blushed and looked away. Why couldn't he like me back? He was probably just saying that. I sighed.

We pulled up to the house and I ran inside as Harry woke Liam. I was eager to see my baby. "Louis! Zayn! Niall!" I called.

"Shhh, Kale's sleeping," Louis hissed.

I smiled at him as a hand wrapped around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. I relaxed into the boy I knew so very well.

"Did you feed him? It's almost nine o'clock," I said.

"Yes, he had a bottle," Zayn said.

"We bathed him, too," Niall said.

"Okay, come on Lou, let's take him upstairs to his room," I said and Louis followed me upstairs.

"I love you, Baby Kale," he said as he laid him in his crib.

I smiled at him as he stood straight and hugged his waist. "Thank you, Lou. I appreciate it," I said.

"No problem," he said, hugging me back.

"Lyric?" his husky voice asked.

I turned around and saw Harry. I grinned at him, "Yes?"

"Um..." he started

"Do it, Harry," Louis said smiling.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Come on Harry," I heard Niall say.

"Hurry up," Zayn mumbled.

"We know you want to," that was Liam.

"Will... Um... You... Would.. You like to maybe.." he tried.

"Spit it out, Harry!" 4/5 of One Direction said.

"Be my girlfriend?" he said quickly.

I pinched myself and it hurt. So, I wasn't dreaming. "A-are you serious?" I asked.

"Never been more so. Listen, I know it's only been a couple weeks but I like you a lot, Lyric. You know I love Kale to death and," I put my hand over his mouth.


"What?" he looked shocked.


"Yes?" he had the biggest smile on his face. I nodded and he hugged me. He picked me up off the ground and spun me. He kissed my lips softly before setting me down. "Yes," he breathed.

I hugged his waist and all the boys clapped and cheered softly, seeming as we were still in Kale's room. "Come on," I said and pulled them all out of the room. Harry's hand never left mine and in my mind nothing would ever be better.

Unwanted (A Harry Styles FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now