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Few days later ~

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting in their usual spot : The rooftop.

"The moon looks good tonight" Jungkook smiles.

"Yeah it does..do you ever think about the moon and how sad it is?" Taehyung asks.

"what do you mean? sad?" 

"I mean, The moon loves sun so much that it decides to sacrifice itself everyday so that the sun could rise and shine."

Jungkook blinked, "I never thought about it like that, but yeah it is sad"

They proceeded to talk about this and that, just random things and then Jungkook didn't know how he got so close to Taehyung, he could feel his breath. His lips looked so kissable and his skin glowed in the moonlight.


"yes?" Tae turned around to meet the younger's eyes.

"Will you be mad at me if I do something stupid?"

"I don't think that I will ever be mad at you. What exactly do you mean by something stupid--" before Tae could finish his sentence, he felt a warm pair of lips on his own. He was too stuned to move. He could feel the other's lips moving on his but he didn't react. He closed his eyes and pulled Jungkook closer by his neck and kissed back. 

After few seconds they both pulled back and Jungkook couldn't read Tae's face. He wasn't mad but he didn't look happy either.

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes and he ran back to his house.

Taehyung didn't follow him. Even if he did follow him, he would not know what to say.


The next morning Taehyung collected his thoughts and went to Jungkook's house. He knocked on the door expecting a cheery Jungkook to open it but to his dismay it was Jungkook's mom who opened it.

"Hey Taehyung !" 

"um-hey Mrs.Jeon, is Jungkook here? he is not picking up is phone either" Taehyung asked.

"Oh didn't he tell you?"

"tell me what?"

"He left to his grandparents house. He left early morning, it was a sudden plan" Jungkook's mom says.

"oh, when will he be back?"

"A week or 2"

"okay thank you" Taehyung went back to his room.

He should have just talked to Jungkook last night. Why did Jungkook kiss him? was he just experimenting? didn't he like it? Taehyung loves Jungkook and he doesn't believe that Jungkook might feel the same way too.


2 week later~~

Taehyung was walking his dog when he saw Jungkook's mom, "Good morning Mrs.Jeon" he smiled waving at her. He is mad and disappointed at Jungkook for completely ignoring him but he doesn't have to show his anger on someone else.

"Oh hi, good morning Taehyung. Jungkook is coming home today" she smiled.

"Oh really?" Taehyung was feeling a lot of emotions right now.

"yes. He misses home I guess. Ask your mom to call me when she gets home, it's been a while since I hung out with her"

"yes sure" Taehyung nodded and went back to his house.


Jungkook had a miserable time at his grandparents house. No don't get him wrong, his grandparents are amazing and caring people but he couldn't help but miss Taehyung. He didn't want Taehyung to confront him. He doesn't want to hear Taehyung saying that 'we are just friends' and then their friendship would slowly whither away.

He was such an idiot for Kissing Taehyung and a much bigger idiot for not apologizing and running away instead.

When he got back home, he thought Taehyung would be waiting for him. But he didn't see Taehyung and neither his bike.

'Guess he started ignoring me as well'  he thought and stepped inside his house.

His mom was preparing dinner and he hugged her and talked to her for a few minutes.

"I'll go get changed" He informed and went to his room.

The room was dark as usual but when he turned on the light he almost screamed seeing Taehyung sitting in his bed.

"How did you get in here?"

"The window was open" Tae shruged.

"What the hell Taehyung !?" Jungkook yelled, his heart still beating loud with adrenaline.

"I could ask you the same thing!! why did you leave all of a sudden, why didn't you pick up my calls? " Taehyung glared at him. Jungkook could see the hurt behind those eyes.


"Is it about the kiss!?" Taehyung yelled and Jungkook flinched, "what did you think!? in 2 weeks I would just forget that it happened?"

"I'm sorry" Jungkook mumbled.

"sorry for what exactly? for leaving? for kissing me? for playing with my feelings?" Taehyung got closer.

"Playing with your feelings? I never did that!" Jungkook protested, "I really did want to kiss you"

"really?" Taehyung was so close to Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded. Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer by his waist and engulfed him into a hug, "I really wanted to kiss you too...for a really long time" his voice cracked. He was crying and Jungkook didn't know what to do.

"Taehyung...I really love you. I always had a crush on you and I don't know when it changed to love. I couldn't keep it in any longer, if you don't feel the same way please don't break the friendship" Jungkook teared up.

"Jungkook, I love you too. I never had the courage to say it out loud and when you kissed me I froze not knowing what to do....do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Yes. I would love to" Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung carrased Jungkook's face, "this time, I will kiss you better" he connected their lips. It wasn't like their first time. It wasn't hesitant at all, it was confident and lovely.

They pulled away, "I love you so much" Taehyung said.

"I love you so much too. I can't believe I'm your boyfriend" Jungkook shed happy tears.

"Jungkook I promise you, from now on I will only make you cry happy tears..now go back down before your mom comes..I'll see you tomorrow" Taehyung kissed him once again and left through the window.

Jungkook wished that was true, making him cry only happy tears in their future.

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