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The day of the wedding~

"You may kiss each other" the pastor announced and Jin and Namjoon smiled, connecting their lips.

Cheers spread through that little Garden. They had a beautiful, outside wedding, it was simple and cute. Jin didn't want an extravagant ceremony and Namjoon was more than ready to get married in just pajamas if it meant he was marrying Jin.so,of course he was kay with getting married in a Garden filled with close circle of friends and family.

Looks like Jimin and Taehyung made up, they stuck together throughout the wedding and Jungkook was accompanied by Hoseok.

"Damn this was so beautiful, I'll miss this place" Hobi smiled.

"What if I say that you don't have to?" Jungkook asked, taking a sip from his glass.

"That's like your fourth glass--but whatever, what do you mean?" Hobi questioned.

"I was thinking about opening a branch here, a bigger one" Jungkook said.

"What!? Really?"

"I thought we could talk about it after we go back to Newyork, in a proper meeting setup..but for now I'm just informing you"


"You have two options" Jungkook grabbed another glass of champagne. "You either get to lead the Newyork branch or work with me here in Seoul..obviously the pay in Newyork will be more because you get to lead the--"

Hobi cut off Jungkook, "Here! I wanna stay here!!"

"You sure?"


"Fine we will discuss it later, now go enjoy the wedding" Jungkook shooed him off.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to enjoy this drink" Jungkook smiled.

Hoseok hesitated but when he saw Jin approaching them he nodded at Jungkook and left. Jin caught on and nodded back.

"Hey kookie..how are you?" Jin sat beside Jungkook.

"I'm fine! Don't I look fine!?" Jungkook gulped the entire glass and grinned at Jungkook.

"Kinda..not really..anyway, I heard you broke up with yoongi"

"Who said that?"

"You did--I was listening to your conversation with Tae and I also heard Jimin and Tae after you left--what's up with people having drama at my house?"

"Oh--I need another glass" Jungkook turned to his right looking for a waiter. Jin noticed one approaching them, but he shook his head asking them to leave before Jungkook notices.

"How about you ease up on the drinks and tell me what happened?"

"We are not talking about my sad sappy love life at your wedding" Jungkook leaned on Jin's shoulder and sighed, "Can I tell you a secret?"


"I still love Taehyung and I miss him so much"

"I know," Jin smiled softly, patting the younger's head.

"...it hurts, I lost my chance--if I hadn't left that night--" Jungkook hiccuped, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You need to stop blaming yourself baby" Jin cooed.

Namjoon looked at them from a distance and locked eye contact with his husband, "is everything okay?" he mouthed.

Jin smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Jungkook got up all of sudden, "It's your wedding!! Let's party!!" he clapped his hands.

"Okay, how about some cake? Some ice cream? No drinks for you"

Jungkook pouted. His eyes lit up when Namjoon came over with three cups of ice cream and handed each one.

Jungkook excitedly grabbed it and started eating, "these are so good--oh before I forget" he swallowed, "I'm going back to Newyork tonight"

"What!?" Jin almost yelled, "I thought you would here until at least I come back from honeymoon..I wanted to spend time with you relaxed--with all this wedding thing going on we didn't hang out much"

"Chill..I'll be back before you come back. I'm going there to have a meeting about moving things here--"

"What are you talking about?" Jimin and Taehyung joined in along with Hobi.

"We are opening a branch here!!" Hobi cheerfully clapped his hands.

"What? For real?" Namjoon asked.

"It's not confirmed yet, we need to make the final decision and who gets to lead the branch here and everything--even if don't get to lead the branch here, I will be helping with the move and everything--so I'll be here before you come home" Jungkook smiled at Jin.

"You promise?"


"Okay" he smiled.

Later he said his goodbyes to everyone and kept it short with Taehyung.

He left to Newyork.

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