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Happy NYC memories~

The first week was the most stressful and happiest either of them had been in their entire lives.

They both knew english, so it was much helpful. 

They were like a newly married couple, decorating their small apartment. Even though it wasn't really nice or big, they made it their home by hanging picture frames and beautiful lamps.

They had to sleep on the floor since their bed delivery took later than they expected. They watched netflix through a small projector.

Laughing noises echoing through the small apartment every day.

They were happy.


1 month later~

Work was hard for Jungkook. He had to do a lot, he wanted to keep prooving himself. Since he was only an intern the office people just dumped work on him, and it mostly wasn't related to fashion or designing. But that is how it is, you need to climb the ladder.

Taehyung's college wasn't great. He had 3 hours of classes everyday and other than that he just did house chores.

Taehyung decided to take up jobs. So he took a job at a cafe. He learned to make amazing coffee, and since his boyfriend loves coffee, he can make him one everyday.

He also took up freelancing for computer software. He got his first paying project today and he was excited about it.

"Guess what?" Taehyung excitedly grinned looking at his boyfriend.

Jungkook had a break and he decided to spend it in the cafe where Tae works.

"what?" Jungkook asked sipping the coffee.

"I got my first project today and I get paid for it. so from now on I'll be getting 1-2 projects every month which will pay me. so yay!!" Tae waved his hands in the air.

"wow ! that's amazing but don't over work yourself"

"says you. Jungkook you are the one who keeps overworking!! besides we need money to go the Europe trip baby"

Jungkook smiled. His phone rang, he picked it up.

"Sorry I have to go to work, Love you bye" Jungkook pecked tae's lips and ran off the cafe.


The night Jungkook came  a little later than usual.

"Hey you are still awake?" Jungkook saw Taehyung in the couch.

Tae nodded.

"good, I couldn't wait till morning anyway. After work I went to this little store and bought you something..you know to congratulate you" Jungkook pulled a box from his pocket.

Taehyung sighed, "you didn't have to baby, you are my gift" he grinned.

"Stop being cheesy" Jungkook shoved him.

"says the one who went out of his way to buy me something" Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook opened the box, it was a bracelet with 'Hwaiting' written on in. Taehyung usually weras bracelets and it perfectly matches his still.

"do you like it?" he bit his lips.

"I love it. It's my new favourite" Taehyung held out his hand smiling, "put it on me"

Jungkook smiled back and put it on him.

Taehyung dangled it in the air, "I'm never taking it off" 

"Good..now come on let's go cuddle"



6 months later~

For the first time, they both had a day off.

It meant spending half the day in bed and the next half of the day going on a date.

Going on a date in NYC was so fun. They got to do a lot of things, expereice things for the first time. 

They were such a happy couple and things were going great than they had expected it to. They try to spend time with each other.

They stay in constant touch with their family and friends. Things are great.

They were falling more in love everyday.

Nothing could go wrong right?

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