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Jungkook spent the next 2 days with Hoseok, showing him around the city, making him try different street foods and everything.

Hoseok was having the time of his life in Seoul.

Jungkook had asked Jin if we could bring Hoseok to meet them and Jin happily agreed.

Now the 6 of them are seated in Jin and Namjoon's living room with a drink in their hand, talking about the past funny memories.

Hoseok was immediately welcomed into the group, because he was such a likable person.

"So you are telling me that you didn't wanna get married at all, but you are going to get married in a week?" Hoseok asked.

"yeah, I've been meaning to ask that as well. What voodoo shit did Namjoon hyung pull?" Jungkook chuckled.

"It's so crazy ! you need to hear it" Taehyung grinned. 

They both are comfortable around each other in a way that doesn't bother Jimin. 

"Who said I was the one who proposed?" Namjoon smirked.

"what!? Jin you did it?" Jungkook's eyes were wide. He looked cute like that, but Taehyung wouldn't admit it.

"Yes, it was meant to be a joke. but he started crying--it was so funny. I didn't have the heart to tell him it was a joke. Seeing him happy made me happy and I was like fuck it--Imma get married to this man !!" Jin let out a laugh.

"That's crazy" Hoseok marvelled.

"Wait hear what Namjoon did" Jimin grinned.

"Don't embarass me" Namjoon covered his face.

"As soon I said 'marry me?' I thought he would know it was a joke. I didn't even have a ring, I just had a rose that I plucked from the neighbours garden. He started crying and everything--but before I could say it was a joke he ran into our room and came back with a ring box!!! I gave him the surprised pikachu face--you get what I mean?" Jin looked at Jungkook who smiled and nodded. "so then, he gets on his knees and when he does he gets cramps--or he pulled a muscle or something--oh my god it was so funny and not romantic at all" Jin laughed.

"stop" Namjoon cringed.

"That's when I realized that I wanna marry this idiot. So I said yes" Jin took Namjoon's hand and smiled.

"wow that's awesome" Jungkook smiled.

"Tell them your engagement story Jungkook" Hobi looked at Jungkook.

"I don't think that's necessary" Jungkook mumbled.

"Go ahead we wanna hear it" Jin and Jimin said.

"It's not as awesome as yours. I met Yoongi 3 months ago, we had business contracts and everything. A common friend of us set us up on a date and it happened, even though I wasn't ready for a relationship" he paused and looked at Taehyung who nodded at him to continue. "We went to this really bad restaurent. Everything was horrible and so was the date. We agreed to end it as a one date only kind of thing. We went back to our respective lives and then we met again on a business trip--he came with his company and I did with mine. We talked and we hung out for a day, it was pretty cool. He asked me out again and I said yes. It's been 2 months since we started dating and he proposed more than 2 weeks ago at the same bad restaurent we went to"

"at the bad restaurent?" Jin asked.



"Why are we here?" Jungkook asked as he sat down with yoongi.

"I got a really good deal in office and I wanted to celebrate it with you" Yoongi replied.

"but why at this awful restaurent. The food doesn't taste good though" 

"Try it" Yoongi said and the waiter placed the food in their table.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes" Yoongi chuckled.

Jungkook hesitantly took a bite and his eyes went wide, "Wow it's so good!!"

"Thank you" Yoongi smirked.


"I made it" 

"You joined as the new chef here?" Jungkook chuckled.

"No, I just wanted to make it special" Yoongi smiled.

"Special for what?" 

"I can't wait any longer." Yoongi pulled out a ring box and got on his knees, "Jeon Jungkook will you marry me? I know this is so soon, but I love you and I don't want to wait any longer. I will spend the rest of my life making you happy. " Yoongi knows Jungkook's past, he knows Jungkook can't commit completely but still he loved him.

Jungkook was taken aback, but something in him made him say yes. He knows Yoongi loves him. 

He knows life would be better if he is with someone who loves him completely. Yoongi was husband material, and Jungkook wanted to settle down. Maybe after marrying him he will fall more in love with him.

"Yes, I will marry you" Jungkook smiled and accepted the ring.


"Woah It's romantic" Jimin smiled.

"Yeah yeah..but isn't 2 months enough to get married?" Jin asked and Taehyung nodded.

"I know..but he is such a nice person. When you meet him, you will know" Jungkook smiled.

"Okay as long as you are happy" 

"Okay, on to your story" Hobi pointed at Taehyung and Jimin. He didn't know that Tae and Jungkook dated. He knows that Jungkook had a ex that he loved very much. Was in a long term relationship, but didn't know it was Taehyung.

"There isn't a lot to say..we went to the same high school, we knew each other back then but both of us where in other relationships. More than a year ago I went on a trip to europe and when returning home I met him at the same airport, turns out we had the same flight and it was delayed. we hung out for a while" Taehyung said.

"Nothing happened then" Jimin interrupted. "For the first time we became friends.."

Taehyung cleared his throat, "yeah, it was lovely and then we hadn't seen each other. I got a job in deagu and Jimin was here in Seoul. More than a month ago I got a job offer in Seoul, I met him then..we hung out as friends...and one day we realzied that we love each other so we decided to date" 

"cool..all of you have amazing stories. I feel single as hell!!" Hoseok huffed.

They all laughed and changed the topic to something fun.

Jungkook's phone dinged and he smiled, replying to the text. Jin nudged him, "who is it?"

"My Fiance" Jungkook smiled without looking up from the phone.

Jin sighed, "young love"

Taehyung noticed the smile on Jungkook's face, it hurt him yes. but it made him more happy knowing that the boy is happy.

The last few months of the relationship, neither of them were happy, so it felt good to see him happy.

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