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I'm so sorry I haven't been updating for a while.I have to rewatch Eclipse since I totally forgot it was even a movie in the saga.Anyways here's the prelude.

(Setting:April 22,Thursday)

3rd person POV:

On a rainy cold night a 19 year old Riley biers who just finished studying walked out of a all night library.

Unfortunately for him a red headed vengeful vampire who's finally found her prey and that prey seems to look just like her true love James.

While walking alone he heard fast footsteps.He was confused since nobody is usually out at this time of night.

After 5 mins he tried to quicken his pace and was getting worried since it seemed like  the person was following him no matter how fast he ran.He made it to the dock where he was crying afraid for his life asking who was their.

All of a sudden the quick paced footsteps came in front of him,before he could react they were gone but not without leaving a intense fiery pain in his arm.

He scratched and screamed for help hoping some one could save him.As the pain continued a shadowy figure with red hair stood above him while having a sadistic smile on there face.

"Finally I've found you...." She Said?

Authors note:
Thanks so much for reading and for sticking around even when I didn't update.I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕😂✨

I love you guys so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕😂✨

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