Chapter 9

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(Setting: June 10, Thursday)

Imani POV:

Today is finally graduation.I was expecting to wake up next to Edward but I was sadly in my room.alone.

Well I mean it make sense I am graduating today and I do want to see Charlie before I graduate so it's okay.

I got out of bed and saw my dress hung up on the door.I smiled the gorgeous white and periwinkle butterfly dress is surprisingly my dream dress (I don't think I'll ever give it away).

Edward texted me good morning and I love you,to which I responded the same back. just then my dad knocked on my door with watery eyes.

"Dad what's wrong?" I asked scared and concerned, "Nothing mani,I'm just so happy that your finally growing up and becoming a beautiful young lady." He said wiping away his tears

"Aw dad thanks," I said while crying , "great now I'm crying." I chuckled

My dad pulled me into a bear hug, "and Imani yes." He said while looking at me.

"Yes to what exactly dad?" I questioned confused, "yes to you....becoming a vampire." My dad said

How....(oh my god wtf do I do.oh no,the voltori,WTF IS GOING ON,how does he know about the Cullens it's already bad enough he knows about the wolves-).

"Naomi told me,Imani I want you to be happy even if you have to outlive me." He said with a smile

"But dad!what about my friends and you I-" I said

"IMANI!" He yelled (my dad never this is a shock).

"You have done so much for me by just letting me into your life,and being the daughter I always wanted even if you aren't biologically mine,and besides I have Naomi.I don't want you to be afraid of love like I was when Renee divorced me,I know that deep down you want to spend an eternity with Edward and I support you." He said as he smiled as he hugged me.

I couldn't help but cry into the hug.He has always been there for me even if he wasn't there physically,and he's right deep down I do want to be a vampire with Edward.

"Okay dad thanks," I smiled ",but we have to get ready for the ceremony now." I said

"Oh right I'll leave you to it,bye" he said as he let go and walked out.

I sighed and smiled with happiness that I have a weight lifted off my shoulders.I start getting ready by taking a shower,shaving,brushing my teeth,and moisturizing my skin and hair.

(Time Jump: 2 1/2 hours later.....)

My outfit/hair/Makeup/shoes/nails:

My outfit/hair/Makeup/shoes/nails:

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