Chapter 13

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(Setting: June 14,Monday)

Imani POV:

I woke up groggy with Edward by my side. Even though he doesn't sleep he loves to lay in my bed.

"Good morning Imani." Edward said as he kissed my forehead

"Morning Ed." I said yawning

I sat up from my bed and stretched. "So what is on the agenda for today my fiancé?" I asked as I smiled and looked at him

"Well Alice told me we have to have a meeting to tomorrow at our house along with Bella,my fiancé." He while also looking and smiling at me,

"Nooooo I don't wanna go......."I said whining

"I know.I want to say with you too." He said leaning in to kiss me,

I responded by letting him.He rolled over so he was now on top of me.He had his elbows on each side of my head and I had my hands underneath his shirt scratching his back.

He grinned his dick on my pussy while he kissed me.The kiss was hungry.He then flipped us over so I was on top.

I rolled my hips on to his.Edward has his hands on my ass while I hand my hands in his hair.

I decided to kiss down his neck even though he has unbreakable skin.I kissed his neck while looking at him through my lashes,he looked at me heavily breathing

"Ahh Imani...fuck." Edward groaned.I then proceeded to kiss down his neck and lift up his shirt until his shirt was off.

After I felt as though I'd done enough kissing,I went to take off his pants.I soon got his pants off and took a second to look (all 8 1/2 inches)

I lifted the sheets so we could just stair at each other. "Damn! I'm so sorry Imani I know you're not ready-" Edward tried to say but I stopped him.

"Edward stop....I'm ready to do oral but not.....yea know." I said as I was in between his legs.

"You know what get up." I said getting up waiting for him,

"Huh?-"he said confused

"Go and sit on the bed." I said walking to the door and locking it.

When I turned around he was sitting on the bed with his legs spread.I got in front of him and dipped down to my knees,I looked at him through my lashes with a smirk.

I licked on the side of his dick,he responded with a shaky breath.After a few licks I got comfortable.

I then put my mouth on the tip lightly sucking on it and taking him slowly and as much as I could.

The inches where I couldn't get I massaged with my hands. "," Edward moaned

I decided to try to not use my hands.I took my hands off and put one of them in front of me and the other on his leg to keep me steady.

I surprisingly took most of him,but i need to breathe and let go,but I of course massages his dick with my hands in a up and down motion.

I had enough air to go back and suck my mans dick until his phone rang. He got his phone which was on my dresser.

"Yes..Alice" Edward groaned looking down at me,signaling me to stop but I didn't.I just smirked.

I took my hands off his dick,and put my mouth on it.This time I sucked hard and fast bobbing my head up and down while looking at him.

My baby had been heavy breathing while talking to Alice on the phone,

"mmm...Fuck.....Yep I'm okay.Sure meet-ing at my house,yep at 10.okay BYE Alice." He said as he hung up and threw his phone on my bed.

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