Chapter 16

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(Setting: Still June 15,Tuesday 7:30pm)

Edward POV:

It's was time to go to my house for the meeting.Bella came back from Arizona an hour ago and surprisingly she has a new attitude,I guess she has changed in Arizona.

I got Imani in the passenger seat of my car,while Bella got in the back and Me in the drivers seat.

"So how was Arizona?" Imani asked looking back at Bella,

"Why are you asking." Bella hissed

So I was obviously wrong about her new attitude.

"I just wanted to know how it was,damn!" Imani said turning back to the road

"Ugh.....anyway Edward." She said in a soft voice

I looked at her through the rear view mirror and to my confusion and slight horror,

she started fluttering her lashes like she had something in them,biting her lip,and slightly twirling her hair.It was an off putting sight to see.

"Yes,Bella?" I said confused

"Have you thought about changing me yet?" She said in a low voice only I could hear

" Bella I have not and never will." I hissed as Imani put her hand on my thigh to calm me,which ultimately did.

Bella glared at Imani through her seat, 'This Bitch-I will have Edward no matter what.' Her thoughts said.

Before we knew it we made it to my house and exited the car with me holding the door for Imani, and walking inside completely forgetting Bella trailing behind us.

"Hey guys come in." Jacob said

"Hey Jacob." Imani said as she hugged him.

Inside the house my mom had made a lot of food for the wolves,Imani,and Bella. We sat in the love seat with Imani sitting on my lap and her head in my neck.

Everybody was talking about the war and what are we going to do about it,until Carlisle and Jacob  caught our attention.

"Okay the reason why we called you guys to this meeting is because we need to strategize on how we'll attack the newborn army." Carlisle  said.

"Okay so I was thinking that Imani and Bella could be at the top of a mountain in a tent- " Jacob aid but was cut off

"But isn't freezing cold up there Jacob?" Imani asked concerned

"Yes and that is why Embry and Leah will stay with you guys to keep y'all warm tonight." Jacob said

"Good- wait at night! You mean as in the war is starting like tomorrow!?" Bella yelled standing up

"Yes Bella and I'm sorry you have to spend the night with Imani in a little tent,okay.The war came unexpectedly that is why we're having this meeting now and that's why  Charlie is at Naomi's house for days." Jacob hissed at Bella

"Wait who is this Naomi?" Bella said confused

"Oh yeah! It's Melania's mother.Naomi is Charlie's girlfriend. Oh well don't you look at that you have not only 2 black sister,but also a black step mom." I said smiling and chuckling

"W-w-w-what.NOOO.This can't be happening.B-B-B-but what about mom,C-c-c-c-Charlie is so obsessed with her,he  loved her so much he couldn't get over her for years!" Bella exclaimed

"OH MY GOD.go cry about it Bitch!" Imani said rolling my eyes looking down at her phone and snuggling next to me to which I started purring and she instantly relaxed.

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