Chapter 6

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(Setting: June 7,Monday)

Imani POV:

There is only 4 more days until I graduate,but I still have to go to school.Right now I'm in lunch sitting with Jessica,Mike,Angela,and Erik (plus Edward,Alice,and jasper).

"Okay so I'm doing the valedictorian speech at graduation,but every time I write or even think it sounds corny as shit." Jessica said with worry

"Jessica your overthinking it.Just write or think what make you feel comfortable." Jasper said

"If you want me and Edward can help you." I proposed as I looked up at Edward with a nod.

"Thanks you guys that means a lot-hey! Mike Erik stop taking my chips!" Jessica said as we all laughed

,but we all stopped to look at Alice with concern (oh lord she's in a vision), "hey is she okay?does she need a doctor?" Angela asked

We were about to call a teacher after 5 mins until Alice took a deep breath, to which we gasped with surprise.

"Were having a party at my house at 6:30!" Alice said with a happy voice, "We are?" Jasper questioned.

"Yes we are babe!" She said as she cuddled next to jasper, "really,thanks Alice since we've never seen your house!" Alice

"Wait,really Alice another party?!?" Edward said most likely remember the last time we threw a party

"What happened the last time you guys had another party?" Erik asked, "It was a nightmare." I said

We all laughed it off and continued our conversation and eating our food.Hopefully this party doesn't end disastrously like the last one.

(Time jump:After school, 3:30 pm)

After school I asked Charlie if I could go to the party and he said yes for as long as I want and since I've been on punishment for 3 months and I'm also graduating a couple of days.

As I was going up stairs Bella stopped, " I'm going to the party." Bella demanded

"Sure." I said bored knowing she was going to come. "And you can't stop me.I will get Edward to be mine." Bella persisted

"You know what Bella I don't have to fight with you to let you know that Edward is MY BOYFRIEND!So how about this will be the last time I speak to you about it and the next time you try shit I won't hesitate to drag your ass. Okay,good." I said as I slammed my door in her face.

I decided I was going to get ready at 4:50 and use my spare time talking and asking the pack if they wanted to come.

My dad came knocking at my door, "hey mani Edward dropped this off for you." He said and places it on my night stand, "thanks dad" I say as he turns and walks out.

It was a little gold box and there was a little note, 'This is a promise ring to let you know how much I love you' I smiled at the note and sat down on my bed to open it.I opened it and was shocked.

My Promise Ring:

My Promise Ring:

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