Chapter 14

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(Setting:Still June 14,Monday)


"Edward we need you and Imani inside now." Carlisle getting out of his Cadillac from the rez now with all the wolves.

Me and Edward looked at each other confused wondering what the hell is going on......

Imani POV:

After a couple of minutes of Edward calming me down.We walked back into the house with Edward purring and his arm around my shoulders.

Bella had a ice bag on her hair from me pulling it.She glared at me with fire in her eyes,to which I glared back.Edward sat me on his lap while playing with the ends of my hair while we were on the love couch.

Rosalie and Emmett were standing leaning on each other.Alice was huddled up with jasper on his lap.Carlisle had his hand on his hip while the other arm was wrapped around Esme.

Jacob,Leah,Paul,and Jared,quill,and embry were all here.It seems like Rose ,Emmet,Edward,Jasper,Esme,Bella, the wolves and me were all confused as to why Carlisle (and I think Alice) wanted to meet with us.

"Okay so might I add,what are the wolves here and why are we having this emergency meeting?" Emmet asked confused

"We'll that's a great question...." Alice said nervously

"Alice are you okay?" I asked worried

"....No.Imani when you went out side to attack Bella I had another vision,I decided to call Carlisle privately to let him know." Alice said

"Alice....what did you see?" Edward asked.

"I was wrong,I'm sorry-" Alice was going to say but Carlisle cut her off,

"The army is coming in two days.Alice it's okay,everyone makes mistakes.That's why we brung the wolves so they can also be prepared to fight." Carlisle said

Nobody said nothing.We didn't expect to have the war so early with such little time to prepare.

"I suggest that we all spend time with our loved ones,y'know just in case....." jasper said in a low voice,

"Good idea jas,but first we need to plan and strategize to make sure we have no hiccups." Jacob said

"Hey,um Jacob how about we do that tomorrow?I would love to kick vampire ass but I want to spend the time I might have left with Matthew." Leah suggested

After quick thinking form Jacob,he agreed.We all hugged each other,holding each other up afraid to cry.

The pack went back to the Rez and to their imprints,The Cullens took there mates to there room for some quality time (don't worry Emmet installed a sound proof switch,after me and Edward's quality time with each other).

Edward took Bella and I home and decided to come back after he's taken a shower.

Time jump:At home

I made it to my room. But not with out complications. "This is all your fault,your the reason why the army is coming after us!" Bella yelled at at the bottom of the steps,

"Excuse me! If anything it's your fault,if you only had stayed out of my business then non of this would happen.

If you'd only respected the Cullens space and try not to insert yourself in other people's business then maybe,just maybe people would tolerate you more.

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