Chapter 15

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(Setting:June 15,Tuesday)

Imani POV:

I woke up with Edward holding me and kissing my forehead.

"Good morning,love" he said as he smiled at me,

"Good......morning to you too." I said yawning

"Carlisle called and wanted us to meet the family and the pack at the house tonight to strategize a plan for the newborn army." He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay......hey,Ed?" I said looking up at him

"Yes,mani?" He said looking down at me

"Can we please just not do anything today,until the meeting.I want to spend as much time I have with you." I said smiling

"Of course,whatever you want baby." He said also smiling.

But before we could get our unproductive day started I needed to brush my teeth.

I went to the bathroom while Edward was reading one of my books. After I was done I took off my bonnet and brushed out my hair.

(Just because I'm not doing anything all day,doesn't mean I'm going to look like a hot mess).

When I was done brushing my hair,I walked back into my room over to Edward who was now flipping through channels on the TV.

Edward looked over at me when I sat down on the bed next to him, "your hungry?" He asked

"Of course I am." I said laughing

"Alright,we'll I already went hunting early this what do you want?" He said

"Surprise me." I suggest

"And what gives you the idea that I can cook?" I challenged while he leaned in,

"We'll you do have an amazing cook as a mom, you must have some skill of cooking not to mention you can do black girls hair." I said smiling and also leaning in

"We' caught me Ms.Swan,I can cook." He said as he locked our lips.

The kiss was sweet and slow,we're takeoff our time.Edward had his hand on my cheek with his thumb rubbing my skin.

He soon stopped unexpectedly,to which I whined at.He directed me to sit on his lap,so I did.

Edward took his hands and caressed my skin and led my arms to his shoulders while looking at me.He then adjusted my hips so I was now sitting comfortably.

I was now playing with his hair,while he had his arm around my waist and he had his hand lifting my chin and looking at me,while I looked back.

"You're so beautiful,Imani." He said with such love I felt embarrassed

"Why thank you,Edward.You're Beautiful too." I said smiling

Edward smiled back while purring,and I kid you not my heart melted.Edward still had his hand lifting my chin,he soon guided his my lips too his.

He preceded to kiss me with slow and steady passion.I felt like I was on cloud 9 every time I kissed,hugged,talked or even thought about him except for my grumbling stomach.

We parted the kiss when we both heard my stomach calling for food, "damn you humanity!" I said as I dropped my head on his shoulder.

He laughed and picked me off him, "I'm going downstairs to start breakfast,okay love." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I nodded as he walked out.I fixed my bed and tidied my room,I soon smelt an amazing smell.

I noticed that Bella and Charlie weren't here,Charlie texted me saying he's going to stay with Naomi for another day,

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