Chapter 5

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(Setting:June 6,Sunday)

Imani POV:

Today the Cullens and the pack are training for the newborn army.I woke up with Edward by my side reading a book.

I soon remembered last night and our make out session and how I wanted him to make love to me right then and there,how his lips sucked and caressed my skin,how he held-as it also turns out Edward remembered too since he's laughing.

"Now what are you laughing at Mr.Cullen?" I asked smugly, "Oh nothing Ms.Swan  just listening how you described my lips on your skin" he said as he rolled on top of me with his hands on the side of my head and pecking my lips,

"How you felt when I held your skin." He said as he kissed my neck, "how I turned you on so fucking much I made your pussy drool." He said again as he kissed my lips as i moaned when he said that (lord help me).

He added tongue to which I responded by putting my arms on his shoulders and opening my legs so he can grind between them.He pulled away but not without biting my lip.I knew I needed air but god all I want to do is kiss his  lips since they're my air right now.

I lifted my head so our lips can lock once again.Edward dipped his head to kiss and suck on my skin most likely leaving hickeys.My hands were still on his shoulders and my legs spread with Edward holding my thighs and his lips on  my neck.

I could have stayed like this forever,with Edward just kissing me,his hand holding me,us grinding on each other.

Edward stopped to which I obviously whined at,he rose and took his shirt off and came back down and put one of his hands on the head board with his other griping my ass,while my hands were still on his shoulders.

"You know baby as much as I respect your decision to wait" Edward groaned and breathed out, "Edward I really do want to wait but my fucking god I don't even know if I can hold back-" I was saying but was soon interrupted

"WAKE UP FUCKERS,LETS GO" Emmet yelled as he busted through the door, "you guys do know we can hear you right and we heard you lovers last night.So let's go it's training day!" Emmet said as we walked out of the room.

Me and Edward looked at each other with silence but soon busted out laughing.Edward rolled off of me and held me.

"You know we actually have to get up,right?" I said to which he responded with a groan

"Yeah I know I just want to lay here with you though." He said in a annoyed voice.

We decided to get ready which was hard to say the least.Not only did we want stay in bed,but kiss each other senseless.

Edward already got dressed in some workout clothes and headed down stairs to wait for me.I wore a white crop top,light washed jeans,a grey cardigan,some sneakers,and a purse.For my braids I just let it down since I won't be doing anything.

My outfit/hair:

My outfit/hair:

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