Chapter 10

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(Setting: June 11,Friday 1:30pm)

Imani POV:

It's the day after graduation and I surprisingly woke up to no Bella,given that Bella went home early after the ceremony I was expecting her to barge into my room.

I decided to stay in bed for the day since yesterday was a lot.I grabbed my phone off the night stand and plugged out my charger to look through it.

Charlie texted me saying he'll be staying at ms.Johnson's house (ohhh😏) until Sunday.I texted my friends for a few minutes until I realized Edward didn't text me.

Edward usually texts me a 'good morning' or 'I love you'.I didn't want to dwell on it or make a big deal out of it but with him not even texting back is starting to annoy me.

I decided to put my phone down after looking at it for 5 straight minutes and go downstairs to get some breakfast.

As I walked downstairs I realized not only Charlie but Bella left.After looking in the fridge and cabinets for something to eat I settled on a large yogurt bowl. It had plain vanilla bean yogurt,strawberries,raspberries,and granola.

My breakfast:

After I was done making my bowl and getting some water in my water bottle I took it upstairs with a spoon

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After I was done making my bowl and getting some water in my water bottle I took it upstairs with a spoon.I got comfortable on my bed and watched Criminal Minds for the 3rd time.

Has the thought of wanting to become a FBI agent crossed my mind,Yes.Does it still cross my mind till this day,Yes.Am I attracted to Spencer Reid,Derek Morgan,and Aaron Hotchner which is sort of the reason why I like older guys hence Edward being like 100 years old,Yes.Will I ever stop watching it,Nope.

Even though this is now my 4th time watching it I always get surprised when they catch the unsub (unpopular opinion but Garcia and Reid could be the best unsubs together if they wanted to). As I was watching season 1 all over again my phone rang.

"Nooooooo omg!" I said while swallowing my yogurt,I answered it.

"Omg what is it?!" I said annoyed

"Well good morning to you too sis,wtf happened?" Melania said

"Oh....sorry Melania I was watching criminal minds,what's up." I said while pausing my show

"Oh nothing...I was just asking if you wanted to come over tomorrow in the Rez since we're having a beach day,and there'll be food and drinks there." She said

"Oh of course I would love to! Just send me the time tomorrow and where to meet." I said

"Great and no Bella I don't want her to make things awkward and say some slick shit and ruin our day." Melania Said

"Oh of course I wouldn't dare bring her around since the last time didn't work in our favor" I chuckled as my smile faltered thinking about the time she pushed me off the cliff.

"Imani if you need someone to talk to you know where all here right" Melania said with sincerity

"Thanks Melania I appreciate it." I smiled

"Hey whats your favorite CM character(s)?" Melania

" I guess cat adams" I lied knowing damn well I despise her guts for what she did to Spencer

"Bitch I know damn well it ain't cat,let me guess one of them.oh! Spencer Reid." She said

".....Bitch you right,I do hate Catherine." I laughed

"Me too! Well I got to go and-Jacob let me in speaking to Imani-" Melania moaned

"Well bitch seems like your busy,bye!" I hung up not wanting to thinks about it.

I attempted to get back to my show but I couldn't.The thought of Edward not texting me was really bothering me more than I thought.

I decided to called Edward to see if he's okay,but it went straight to voicemail,

"hey Edward it's Imani,I just want to make sure your okay,Umm.....I'll be at the Rez with the pack for a beach day tomorrow,and I love you." I said as I left a voicemail.

I hung up and sat on my bed,after 5 mins I wanted to get ready for tomorrow to keep myself occupied.

I got my bag and packed my sunscreen,sunglasses,towel,hair ties,my large water bottle,a mini makeup up and bathroom necessities bag with lip gloss,pantie liners and pads/tampons.I laid out my sandals,swimsuit,and shorts for tomorrow.

I got hungry again and settling ordering pizza.After 5 mins my small pepperoni pizza came,I was so hungry I ate all of it.

When I was done with my pizza I went upstairs to take a shower(even though I did nothing all day).

I first put in my shower cap and  got in the shower and washed myself with my dove original soap and body wash with my rag and loofa,I washed my coochie to make sure it was clean.

After it was done I did my skin and body care,put on my bonnet,my lullaby,and night outfit and went to bed.

My night outfit:

But not without this nagging feeling in my head that Edward isn't okay

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But not without this nagging feeling in my head that Edward isn't okay.

Authors note:
Thanks for reading,commenting,and voting ily guys so much.❤️❤️❤️❤️


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