Chapter 4

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(Setting/Time jump:Still June 5,Saturday,4:30)

Edward POV:

It was a overall great day for me and Imani.The meeting with the pack went well and with Bella there was no complaining.

I drove Imani and Bella back to Charlie's house,Charlie wasn't there since he was at the station.

When I walked inside with Bella and Imani there was another scent which meant another person was here.

I stopped walking and was instantly in defense mode, " Edward what's wrong?" My love Imani asked me " Another vampire was here,but I don't know who" I replied

I smelled the scent since it led to Bella's room.I checked to see if anything was missing, "Omg my black scarf is missing,some one took it!" Bella exclaimed (I forgot she was even here).

As I checked the scent also led to Imani's room too, "wait my yellow shirt is missing also! Edward do you think this has to do with the missing people?" Imani question

I was going to answer but Bella beat me too it, "No dumbass it can't be!" Bella insulted,I side eyed her since I don't want to get a headache from her speaking.

"We need to go back to my house just-" I was going to say but Imani cut me off "but Edward what about my curfew.even if we make an excuse Charlie will be pissed." She tried to reason

"Okay and?! You can stay here while I stay with Edward and my family." Bella said

Me and Imani at the same time gave Imani the hard side eye basically telling her to 'stfu and sit your cracker spoiled milk basic ass down.'

After the whole fiasco at the house Imani called Charlie to let him know she and Bella will be having a sleepover with the Cullens.Charlie was wary for us since Bella is blackmailing us to 'spend time' with her but Imani did tell him we'll keep her in line,but on the bright side Charlie does have a date with ms.Johnson.

Imani and Bella packed a bag for tonight and tomorrow since they will be spending all day with us because Charlie won't be here tomorrow.

After about 10 mins we made it to my house but not without Bella mumbling under her breath and Imani wanting to smack her.

"Hey Edward and Imani" Carlisle said as he ignored Bella ,to which Bella rolled he eyes, "What are you guys doing back here?" He asked

I went answer but was cut off by Alice (what is with people  interrupting me?) "I was just about call you guys! Remember Riley biers!, well he's a vampire now and he went snooping through your rooms and took a piece of clothing."

Alice said in one breath around this time every one was downstairs and Esme came back to which I gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Alice we already know we were just going to have Imani and Bella sleep here tonight,and yes dad Charlie said it was fine and he has a date with ms.Johnson,so we'll have Imani and Bella all day tomorrow." I reassured everyone

"You know I didn't want to say anything during the meeting with the pack since I thought it was just a hunch but now that this hunch is true I wanted to make it know."

"Victoria is most likely making an army of vampires or newborns." Jasper said

"We'll if she is how do we defeat them?" Emmett asked

"These are not like trained vampires like Carlisle or Esme- you know what we need more help,how about we call the pack since we will need another set of hands to defeat them." Jasper proposed

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