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Glee club, right. I walk into the music room and look at the small group of people.
"This is my nephew, Tucker. He'll be joining us here in Glee club." He claps his hands together. "Wanna tell the guys a bit about you and maybe give us a song?"
"Sure." I clear my throat as he steps back to let me talk. "I'm Tucker, I moved here from Wyoming we lived near Yellowstone national park before we moved here. My dad teaches English here...I love horror movies, old-school stuff, uh crazy button up shirts like this one, cars, I guess that's it..." I shrug. "I guess I'll sing an acoustic version of something." I grab a guitar and set the strap over my shoulder.

I set the guitar down and take a small bow. The group clap slowly and I feel the anxiety mixed with bile slowly rising in my throat.
"That was great!" Will smiles.
"Yeah, it was." The guy with the glasses grins as he wheels over in his wheelchair. "I'm Artie, it's just unusual for someone to play a Fall Out Boy song."
"I like that kinda music." I shrug.
I get to know everyone else in the club and head with them to lunch.

I watch as a group approach us, all in uniforms from the schools teams. They sit across from us and smile.
"I'm Kitty." The blonde smiles.
I get a blank look.
"Like Tucker and Dale versus Evil...its a comedy horror."
"Are you like gay or something?" She interrupts.
"What? No." I frown.
"That shirt just screams gay." She smirks.
"I'm not gay."
It goes quiet as I chew the inside of my cheek. A brunette girl sits next to me and smiles.
"I'm Marley, you guys must be the glee club!"
"I'm Tucker, new guy."
"I love your shirt."
"Thanks." I smile brightly.
I feel the smile dropping when everyone makes fun of the lunch lady, I watch my dad walk over and start talking to her.
"New English teacher has a fat fetish." Kitty giggles.
"Hey, thats my dad." I feel my anger rising.
"Then you must get your style from your mother because your dad has a better taste in clothes."
I stand slowly and take a cigarette from the packet.
"I'll see you guys later."

I head to my car and lean against it, lighting up my lunchtime smoke. I thought the guys in glee club were all so accepting, Artie and Britany made fun of the lunch lady...what if they find out about me? The thought makes me want to vomit. I look at my feet as I try to focus on other thoughts.
"I'm sorry about those guys." I look up at Joseph, the white guy with the dreadlocks. "I promise we aren't all like that."
"I get it...my old school was the same." I shrug.
"You have a great sense of style though and your guitar playing? Amazing."
"I appreciate that."
He pats my arm softly.
"Listen, if you need a friend around here I'm kind of alone too. Minus the guys in glee."
"That sounds great."
"Woah, is this your car?" He changes the subject quickly.
"Yeah, my dad surprised me with it this morning."
"Dude, this is the car from Christine!"
"You know the car?"
We both start freaking out over our new friendship bond of horror movies and the best ones we've seen.
"We have to have a movie night this weekend." Joseph looks at me excitedly.
"Yes! My dads planning on building both of us man caves so maybe you can come over early and help?"
"I love building things!"
"Me too!"
I've never had someone get this excited over the things I love. This is amazing. We exchange numbers and head back inside, continuing our talk about what we like.

We sit at lunch again, listening to the group making fun of the lunch lady again. I look at Joseph and Marley who are equally as pissed as I am.
"Don't be mean!" Marley snaps.
"Why not?"
"Because that's my mom." Marley frowns and stands. "I thought you guys were different."
I stand with her and we head to a different table, Joseph gladly joins us.
"I can't believe those guys." Joseph huffs.
"I think its the popularity." I sigh.
"You aren't wearing a cool shirt today." Marley comments.
"I just...didn't feel like it." I gulp.
"Its because of Kitty isn't it?" Joseph clenches his fists.
"Its fine, it was a stupid choice." I sigh and poke at my food. "I kinda hoped this school would be different, be my chance to be popular."
"Who needs popular?" Joseph scoffs. "You're a great guy."

Joseph and I head to the locker with Marley, all of us laughing and joking around. We've became quick friends, these guys are genuine people and I love it. The rest of the club apologises for what they said about Marley's mom. Kitty makes a comment about Wade...or Unique, I'll call them Unique.
"Hey!" I feel that anger bubbling. "What did you just say?"
"What?" Kitty smirks.
"Are you a tranny too?" One of the jock assholes chuckles.
"That's it." I dump my bag down and step into the guys space.
"Back off." He laughs.
"You wanna say something like that again?"
"I'll say whatever I want." He pushes me back.
I stumble, almost falling flat. I go to walk towards him again when my eyes are covered in red, my body goes cold and I gasp from the sudden temperature change.

"That school is a nightmare!" I yell.
"Tuck, please." My dad begs.
"No, I'm packing my shit and moving with mom and her idiot body building boyfriend!"
"Husband." He mumbles.
I stop in my tracks, my body freezes in shock as I'm holding one of my shirts.
"She married him."
"Last weekend...in Vegas."
"Can you just give me some time to myself."
My dad slowly leaves, closing the door behind him. I grab my guitar and try to get my feelings out in a better way.

I can't believe she went and married him. She left us, I mean sure I've made friends but...this place is no different from the last.

Applause [Kitty Wilde Glee]Where stories live. Discover now