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"What are you doing here?"
"Can't I see my child?"
"Son." I glare. "You can say that word, you've avoided it for so long."
"Its still hard for me to process." She looks down.
"Its been five years, I came out when I was twelve." I scoff. "I have a beard!"
"Look, I just came to make sure your dad is actually taking care of you."
"Dad does just fine, which is more than I can say for you." I walk to the kitchen, listening to the annoying clicking of heels behind me.
"I heard he has a new girlfriend."
"So?" I open the fridge. "You got married."
"I actually came to talk to you."
I turn slowly, opening my Red Bull. She stares at the can for a moment.
"You need to cut off the caffeine."
"Just say what you wanna say and leave."
"I think this says it better." She pulls something from her purse and slides it onto the kitchen counter.
I slowly flip it over, feeling the anger rise inside me. It's so close to shot day and my emotions are already screwed up without this happening.
"You're going to be a big brother..."
"No I'm not." I slide the scan picture back to her. "I want nothing to do with that."
"That is your baby sister."
"Shame, I honestly don't care."
"How can you say that?" She scoffs.
"You left us for some roidhead with a criminal record!"
"He was cleared of the charges!"
"With you as his lawyer!" I roll my eyes. "Listen, I don't need this right now. Today has been shitty enough."
"What happened?" She frowns.
"We had a shooting situation at school, but that's all I want to say to you so you can leave and take this with you." I hand her the scan picture back.
"I think you should come with me and Derek."
I laugh loudly, taking another gulp of the sugary drink. Is she serious? She upped and left her husband and son, gets pregnant, tries to come back and act like she hasn't been a ghost for the past six months and she wants me to move in with her and muscle man?
"I'm good here."
"This place isn't so special." She frowns.
"It is to me, I have friends here, I have people that finally love and accept me for me." I start walking towards the door. "So if you don't mind, I think you should leave."
"You can't kick me out."
"Oh, I can. You don't live here, you're name isn't on the lease, dad's is though and since I live here legally...I can say who stays and who goes."
My mother stands in shock, I have never talked back to either of my parents, I wouldn't dare to because I had respect for them. Do I respect my dad? Of course, my mom? Hell no. I watch her storm out, mumbling under her breath. That better be the last time she comes round here.

Everyone has been acting so weird since the incident, I mean I've seen this before, it happened the first time in my old school, but this is worse. Sam pretending to have a twin is the weirdest one. I can't sit through this, I'm taking my ass to the track and running it out. I stick my headphones on and choose my running playlist, just drown it out and it'll go away eventually right? That's all I know, running from everything. I can't believe my mom showed up out of the blue, just walks right back into my life like she didn't leave in the first place and tells me she's pregnant, does she realise the age difference is way too far apart? I will have nothing in common with that kid, maybe I should call Spencer, he did say he would be on call if I needed him. I don't wanna bother him though, I can handle this. Jeez, how long have I been running? I can feel my legs trying to give up on me, I stop to catch my breath and grab my water bottle. I can't get all these thoughts out of my head. I need to focus on something else, I shake my head and start running again, I'll do this all day if it helps me take my mind off things. I stop suddenly, scraping my feet along the sand as Kitty stands with her arms crossed.
"Jesus, you cant just stand in my way while I'm running!" I pant. "I could've knocked you over." I pull off my headphones.
"I was worried about you."
"I'm fine."
"Tucker." She sighs. "I think I know you by now, you just left glee club and I found you out here."
"How long has it been?"
"An hour."
"Not so bad." I shrug.
"And a half." She finishes. "I know it's a little weird, but we all need to be supportive."
"Listen, I've seen this before." I stop, holding a hand up for a moment.
I rush over to the nearest bin and throw up the only thing in my stomach which is water. Kitty runs over to pat my back softly.
"Have you had any food?"
I shake my head, wiping my mouth with my shirt.
"Gross, take that thing off." She scoffs. "Its drenched in sweat and now puke water."
I sigh softly, pulling my shirt off. At least we're the only two out here right now.
"Go change...maybe shower."
"I'd rather stay out here." I head back to my starting line. "Look, I'll be in Glee club soon."
"Just, eat something please." She sighs and leaves.

After another few laps, more throwing up water which is gross, I finally decide to show my face. Lucky for me, the showers were empty so I managed to grab a quick one before anything came in and caught me. Still got to be safe even if everyone knows. I grab my bag and head into the music room, here we go.
"Where were you?" Marley frowns.
"Out." I shrug. "I needed to get away from the crazy."
"What crazy?" I look at Sam with a frown.
"Nothing, forget it."
This is going to be a long week.

Applause [Kitty Wilde Glee]Where stories live. Discover now