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Finn stands in front of us, grinning widely. He steps back as the old members walk into the room. My idol stands, tall and proud as he always has. I can feel my heart racing, this man has taught me almost everything when it comes to glee club, his dancing is great, his voice is amazing, his attitude in life inspired me to stand up for myself when I moved here. Spencer Berry, twin of Rachel Berry...his sister was in the spotlight constantly and he proved himself.
"Tucker..." Finn smiles. "You're with-"
"Spencer?" I say excitedly.
"I...oh I was gonna say me, but sure." He sighs.
I stand up and rush over to him. He grins at me, giving me a bro fist.
"Sup?" He nods.
"Lets go somewhere we can talk." He chuckles.
We sit on the stage of the auditorium, I can't believe I'm sitting with my idol.
"So, you were eager to pair with me."
"Well, it's're kinda an inspiration to me." I start. "You came through so much and it taught me to finally stop taking shit from people."
"I'm glad I could do that, Tucker right?"
"Tucker Schuester."
"Mr S has a son?"
"I'm his nephew." I laugh. "My dad is his brother, we moved here like a month mom left."
"Oh, I know how that feels." He sighs. "Mine is raising my future wife's baby."
"But, I have two dads, an annoyingly talented twin sister and I am going to marry the woman of my dreams while I get to plan a career." He shrugs. "Whats your story?"
"I'm trans, so I guess things haven't been too easy...I don't have any siblings, my mom left for this guy she met at work, she is a lawyer and he was in trial and I guess she got him out and then had an affair. I went through a hard time in my last school, they weren't very accepting."
"Does the club know?"
"Well...I was trying to keep it a secret and be stealth here, but I let a cheerleader called Bree find a journal I keep to track my journey and she put all the pages around the school."
"Bree, huh?" He smirks. "Leave that with me."
"Can you get my journal back?"
"Don't sweat it." He pats my back softly.

Spencer is so cool, he knows a lot about life and he hasn't slipped up like a lot of people have in the past after I open up about my transition.
"Quinn, this is Tucker."
"Nice to meet you." We shake hands. "Kitty and I were gonna grab lunch somewhere if you wanna join us?"
Spencer looks at me, waiting for an answer.
"It'll be a double date." He shrugs.
"Kitty and I aren't-"
"Aren't what?" Kitty looks up at me.
"Dating." Quinn smiles.
"Not yet anyway." She smirks. "Lets go get lunch?"
Not yet?

"So, Tucker what do you do?" Quinn leans on her elbows.
"I do track and glee club, I cook."
"He's great." Kitty chimes in.
"Okay, you two have to be a couple." Quinn laughs. "There's chemistry."
"The one thing I failed at." Spencer winks.
"Because you blew things up." The blonde glares.
"I also created a stink bomb."
"I can't believe I'm marrying you."
"Because I'm so great?" He grins.
Kitty looks at me, biting her lip softly. She reaches her hand over the table and takes my hand, squeezing slightly.
"See?" Quinn looks between us.
"Don't rush it." Spencer laughs. "If you guys are happy just hanging out then do that...Quinn and I did."
"Just don't get pregnant." Quinn warns.
"Oh don't worry." I laugh. "I don't have the parts for that."
It takes a while for everything to click in her head. She nods slowly, giving me a sweet smile. I'm glad these guys are accepting.

Kitty rushes to me at my locker, I close it over and smile at her.
"Whats up?"
"What are we?"
"Huh?" I laugh.
"We had a date, I slept in your bed...are we a thing?"
"You're very forward." I lean on my locker.
"And you're oblivious."
I try to speak when my shirt is grabbed. I feel lips against mine and just sink into the kiss.
"Usually, the guy is supposed to do that." She winks.
"Well, will you...make it official with me?" I shift awkwardly on my feet.
"I'd be stupid not to."
I can't help but smile, I've never actually had a girlfriend like a real girlfriend, kissed girls? Sure, but that's it.
"Tucker, can I talk to you?" I look at Marley.
"Of course."
I let her drag me aside, Kitty watching the whole time.
"What was that?" She whispers.
"Kitty and I are dating now I guess."
"You know what she told me to do!"
"Marley, she's promised to be nice to you." I frown. "Besides, you went on a date with Jake when we were supposed to hang out."
"Ryder rejected me!"
"So you were going to ditch me anyway?"
She stands there trying to think of an excuse.
"Exactly." I scoff. "You can't be mad at me when you have two guys fighting over you."
"None of them made you stick your fingers down your throat."
"I've talked to her, I thought you guys were cool now?"
"I can't just forget about that though!"
"What do you want me to do? She's the only girl that's ever been really into me."
"So that's it?" She sighs. "Some girl finally likes you and you just run along with her?"
"No, she came to my place when you decided I wasn't good enough to hang out with and we had fun."
"You slept with her?"
"No!" I groan. "We watched movies, Jesus Marley."
"Right because who wants to sleep with a guy that doesn't have anything there?"
I pause, shock overwhelming me...did she just say that?
I hold my hand up quickly.
"Save it, don't bother." I turn my back on her and start walking away quickly.

I sit down, far from Marley as our mentors stand in front of us. Santana glares between Kitty and Quinn.
"Whats going on?" Quinn speaks.
"Your little groupie has been an evil bitch." Santana snaps. "She has convinced Marley that she needs to lose a lot of weight."
"This one." She points at me. "Is now dating her, they're supposed to be friends."
"Marley shouldn't have made any comment about what's between my legs then." I scoff.
"She what?" Kitty turns to me.
"It was in the heat of the moment." Marley argues
"It doesn't matter, that's not cool." Spencer frowns.
"Like you know what being a decent friend is." Santana snaps at him. "You can't even be a decent brother."
"I've been a good friend and brother."
"Right, you forget who dated you for way too long."
"I was good to you!" Spencer yells.
"Look, I think the best thing to do is take some time to cool off and think things over." Quinn speaks softly, putting a hand on her fiancé's chest. "Marley, both have apologies to make."

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