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Weekend, I'm excited for this hang out. We invited Marley too, since she's also having a hard time with school. I finish off the cupcakes I made for us and smile at my hard work.
"They smell amazing." My dad teaches over my shoulder.
I glare and playfully smack him with my towel.
"No, you have some over there." I point at the other tray. "These are for the guys."
"I'm glad you've made some friends...that Marley is something right?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you guys would be nice together."
"Dad..." I stare at him.
"Tucker, you haven't had a girlfriend ever." He frowns. "I'm just saying, maybe you should try."
"I barely know her...are you trying to get with her mom the lunch lady?"
"Would it be a bad thing?"
"Everyone deserves love." I smile. "I'd be happy to see you with someone."
"I'm the luckiest dad." He hugs me tight. "Lets get started on our man caves!"

Joseph and Marley walk through to the backyard, dad and I have been working since 8am. We've got a lot of work done so far. We have everything anyway, this was our plan in the last house but we didn't go through with it.
"Wow." Joseph chuckles.
"Like it?"
"They both look great."
"Handy men." Marley smiles.
"Tucker is a real handyman." My dad grins at me.
"Yeah, so is my dad." I nudge him gently.
"Why don't you guys head on inside?" My dad sighs. "Will is gonna help with the rest."

Joseph and Marley grab a cupcake from the tray as we take our spots in my bedroom.
"These are amazing!" Marley laughs.
"Where did you get these?" Joseph stares at me wide eyed.
"I actually made them."
They both look at me in shock.
"Is there anything you can't do?"
Make babies, pee standing up, take my shirt off without there being scars...I can't tell them that.
"I can't wink."
"How?!" They both laugh.
I try to show them my lack of winking skills and they both try to teach me.
"Its one eye." Marley tries to move my right eye downwards.
"You almost took my eye out."

We sit around, watching different horror movies. Marley hides in my shoulder every once in a while when something happens that freaks her out. I try not to read into it too much, we're just friends right? This is what friends do, cuddle and stuff.
"What time is it?" Josepjmh mumbles. "I'm hungry."
"I can make us burgers?"
"Yes!" Marley jumps up happily.

This weekend has been great, my dad let the guys crash here on the couch and we finally finished the man caves. My dad has his fitted with a bar, I just got this cool hangout to play music and watch movies in. It's great, all the cool lights and an old couch, a mini fridge with Red Bull galore. I'm lucky my dad saves up so much money to do these things, we don't do vacations, we prefer to save money to do things we really enjoy. Most of my allowance as a kid went on movies and books. Unfortunately, now I have to face school again.

"Britney Spears?" I scoff. "Alright."
"What?" Marley nudges me. "Too tough for Britney?"
"No, of course not."
"Go on then, tough guy." Marley smirks. "Show us your Britney."
I stand up and rub my hands together. Here we go.

Marley, Joseph and I walk to our lockers when Unique catches up.
"Marley, got a crush on anyone?"
I feel...ouch...wow. Why do I feel like this? Marley is my friend, that's it. I can't like my friend.
"You okay dude?" Joseph pulls me aside. "You look mad."
"I'm okay." I mutter.
"You like Marley don't you?"
"Maybe, I don't know man...I don't know her well enough and...she's my friend."
"These things happen, I had a crush on this girl that used to go here." He sighs. "Quinn."
"Did anything happen?"
"She was in a car crash, ended up in a wheelchair, had physiotherapy and I helped her out, but that's it."
"You didn't ask her out?" I frown.
"No, but I wish I did." He shrugs. "Thats why I think you should go for it."
I turn around, but Marley is gone. Damn.

Marley keeps talking about Jake and how they almost kissed and it honestly kinda hurts. The guys behind us in line start making fun of her mom again and she snaps.
"Hey, leave her alone." I look at Jake and feel myself getting jealous.
He fights for her, I can't throw a punch, I've never been in a physical fight, I always get my ass kicked. I can't give Marley the things she wants, I'm just some loser that's stuck in my own head.
"Did you see that?" Marley grins.
"Yeah, I don't feel like eating." I put my tray down. "I'm just gonna go for a smoke and get a Red Bull."
Why do I feel so shitty about this?

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