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"Prom King nominees are..." I zone out, not caring much about this.
As soon as Tina finds out she might be prom queen though, oh boy. Poor Sam, although I think Sam thinks he's too good for Tina so payback? Of course Kitty is nominated, I wasn't but hey I suppose that's expected. At least it wasn't a nomination for prom queen...I wouldn't put it past anyone in this school to try it. I walk down the hall, catching Bree in a rant.
"Next thing you know, we have a transsexual named Unique as our prom queen!"
I step out, wrapping an arm around Kitty.
"What was that?" I frown.
"Not you, Tucker." Bree grins. "You actually look like a man."
Jeez, why is everyone like this?
"I'd rather you didn't talk about my friend like that." I scoff. "Passing or not, being trans doesn't mean you can shove us around."
"Whatever, I'm just saying Kitty shouldn't be throwing away her nomination." She rolls her eyes, walking off with her army of cheerleaders following.
"I really really would like to throw a slushie in her face." I grumble.
"One day." Kitty smiles, patting my chest.

Prom, ugh. I might have a girlfriend this time round but I still think its overrated. We aren't even seniors yet so why can't we just wait till then? But if Kitty wants to go that's fine by me. I close my locker, frowning at the cheerleader.
"Can I help you?" I look at Bree.
"Kitty said you know everything about horror movies." She smiles widely. "The cheerios wanna have a movie night before prom so we were wondering if you had recommendations."
Kitty never mentioned that, weird...ah well, whats the harm? Even though she said what she did about Unique, I can't help it when someone talks horror movies with me.
"Prom night, Prom ride...uh Jennifer's body ends up in prom at one point." I frown, trying to list what movies I know.
"There was this one movie I saw years ago." I frown at her. "Its about this girl and she has these weird powers."
"Carrie, its my favorite." I sigh happily. "That scene with the blood in the bucket is just great."
"I'm definitely recommending that, thanks cutie." She walks away before I can correct her.
"What did she want?" Kitty scoffs.
"Horror movie recommendations, apparently the cheerios are having a prom horror movie night." I take her hand in mine.
"Guess I wasn't invited." She smirks. "I'd love if she just didn't talk to my boyfriend though."
"It's a friendly conversation."
"Bree doesn't do friendly, she better back off." She turns to face me, wrapping her arms around me.
I hold her close to me, kissing her nose softly.
"Next time she talks to me, I'll tell her to back off."
"You better."

If I had known that I'd be sitting at a table alone all night, I wouldn't have bothered coming to this stupid thing. Kitty is too busy with the rest of the glee club members, I get it. These guys are her friends, but I feel ignored.
"Wanna dance?"
I look at Bree with a small frown, she holds out her hand, smiling sweetly. I shrug and take her hand in mine, may as well enjoy some part of this night.
"We have a plan, if you want in on it."
"Shoot." I chuckle.
"We want to play a prank on Tina, kinda like the one in that movie."
Bree nods slowly.
"Without the blood, it's just a red slushie." She shrugs.
"No on gets hurt, right?" I look around.
"Of course not."
"I dunno, it seems cruel." I frown.
"Listen, I didn't want to be the one to tell you this...but since you don't follow me on instagram, you deserve to know that Kitty has been seeing Artie behind your back." She shows me the images on her phone, Kitty turned me down for the carnival last weekend and now I see why.
"Screw it, let's go."

I stand there watching the entire scene from Carrie being recreated with slushie instead of pigs blood. Bree nudges me gently with a smile, even Brett getting smacked on the head with the bucket is hilarious and I can't help the laughter that builds up. At least Tina doesn't have a hidden supernatural power like the movie. I feel kinda bad though, this isn't me. I hate bullies, but Tina was getting so egotistical and Kitty cheating on me was the icing on the cake. I can't even face the glee club wherever they ran off to, I'm guessing the choir room.
"Thanks for the suggestion." Bree giggles in my ear. "Oh, and I don't care what Kitty says...you're hot."
"What does Kitty say about me?" I frown.
"Just that you have these weird scars, she told us at practice she can't even stand looking at them...and you have a weird half and half situation going on between those runners thighs."
My heart shatters, dysphoria comes over me and I suddenly feel like I'm drowning in self loathing.
"Hey." Bree puts a hand on my face. "You don't need her, I know I did a really stupid and horrible thing to you but I regret it."
"I forgive you." I mumble.
"Kiss me."
I sigh softly, leaning down and giving Bree a kiss. She doesn't let go, holding me with her hands tightly on my cheeks.
"What the hell?!"
I turn to Kitty.
"You've been cheating on me!" I frown.
"No, Artie and I are just friends."
"Don't lie to me." I roll my eyes. "I saw the pictures."
"So instead of talking to me like a mature person, you decide to get your own back."
"Bree told me what you say about me." I scoff. "You think I'm disgusting."
"I would never think of saying anything like that."
"Save it, Kitty." I take a deep breath. "We're over."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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