Pharaoh- School Daze

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Missing feet had never bothered Agatha as much as it did today. With her prosthetics turned into trash, she couldn't walk anywhere. She had been glued to her bed all day trying to think of something to do. She read books and played games on her phone, then read more books. She took three naps in-between.

It had only just hit noon. She called in a favor with Mawile John, and he wouldn't finish fixing her prosthetic feet until six or seven in the afternoon. The only close bright spot was Claire's cooking. Spicy, succulent smells wafted up to her room.

Mightyena Claire came in from the rampway minutes after. She set down a plate on the bed with her. Onion rings and nicely charred crab cakes sprawled on top.

For some reason, everyone but Agatha remembered the mission differently. It had creeped her out at first, but she had to accept it for what it was. She remembered battling a dragon on a mountain all the way across the ocean, but they only recalled venturing into the Old World and finding nothing. She didn't directly ask, but Agatha understood that they thought she broke her prosthetics after falling off of a short cliff.

To confirm it was real, Agatha needed to check one detail.

"Eat up," Claire said quietly. "You look a little thin."

"Thanks," she said. "By the way... Do you know that Slowking? From the Wayfarers. Chad Longfellow?"

Claire couldn't hide her reddening face. Dozens of memories shone through her red eyes.

"Y-yes," Claire answered. "What about him?"

"Did you used to date him or something?" she asked.

"Uhm... Not, especially," she said slowly. "I'll tell you some other time. Eat up, okay?"


Claire reacted exactly like Agatha predicted she would if what happened was real. She wanted to tell Luke and talk to him in person, but he hadn't even been answering any text messages. With nothing much to be done about it, she didn't waste any more time thinking about it.

After an onion ring crunched her mouth, her phone vibrated under her pillow. Audino Agatha grabbed it and scrolled to a new text message.

"Hey, you okay? Didn't see you at school today." - Simone

"Fine. Feet broke" - Agatha

It felt a lot more comforting now that at least one person at school knew about her prosthetics now.

"Sorry to hear. Want me to come over to hang out? Must be boring." - Simone

"Sure." - Agatha

"Cool. Be there in fifteen." - Simone


For ten minutes, Agatha tore up her plate and begged for seconds. Claire seemed happy to provide.

In the middle of her cooking, a knock came on the door. Agatha focuses so hard on the food, she forgot to tell her she invited someone over. She couldn't walk down to the first floor to tell her, either. She heard the door creak open.

"Hi," Claire greeted in a soft voice.

"Hey." Simone's voice echoed. "Agatha invited me over to hang out. Heard her, uh, feet broke."

"Oh. Oh, come in. Sorry, I was just cooking."

"No worries. Just means it smells great in here."

"Care to have some?" asked Claire. "I have plenty."

"I don't want to take advantage..."

"Oh, it's alright. Go on up."

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