Guildmaster- Candor

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In the morning, Flareon Light woke up on his own and stretched. Remembering the upcoming training sent a jolt of energy through his head. He immediately sat up on his bed and grabbed his phone from under his left pillow. His coat, earring, and white orchid crown were still sitting on the couch.

He only had a few texts from Ariel, but the journal app had the white numbers "13,471" above it outlined in orange. Light clicked on the texts first.

"Getting up. How r u?" - Ariel

"Still some time before if you want to do something~" Ariel

"Nice blog" - Ariel

Light's heart rate jumped. He clicked on the app with a book symbol. The notification bell and message envelope had huge numbers on them.

When he looked back at his post, he had a lot of likes and comments. Light didn't even notice the symbols for those there before.

A gentle knock came onto his door. He opened the curtains to a bright day at sea outside, got out of his bed, bounded to the other side of the room, and opened the door to Sky Shaymin Ariel. She still donned the white cape from yesterday and a gentler smile.

"Morning, Light," Ariel said.

"Uhm, good morning," Light said. "I, uhm, did this thing by accident..."

"I could tell. You're way too nervous to be the bragging type."

"Uh... yah..."

"You know," Ariel said with a widening smile, "you should keep blogging. Maybe you should take a picture with your cute new outfit on."

A small flame danced across Light's face. "Don't we have to train this morning?" he asked.

"We finished a few hours ago. I've been checking in on you to make sure you're okay."

"Okay?" he questioned.

"You've been asleep for twelve hours now. Definitely earned it, though."

"Oh. Uhm, sorry..."

"It's no big deal at all," Ariel said. "We can train whenever you want to today. But I do have a quick question for you, if you don't mind."


Light walked back as Ariel entered. She kicked the door closed and kept walking forward to him. Light moved to the side of the room against the wall. Ariel shifted her direction to keep going straight at him.

He blinked once, and Ariel put her arm and shadow over his head. Her face bent down towards his, and her stance made the cape fall and brush against him.

"I still want to get to know you better," Ariel said quietly, "but I'd love to call dibs..."


Light's whole body warmed, but it focused around his face. He couldn't even tell what face he was making.

His blue and white eyes naturally went up and away to avoid her green gaze and cocky smirk. Her arms looked a lot more muscular from this close up. Wherever he looked, his heart hopped in place.

"I'd like to date you exclusively from now on," Ariel said. "If it's alright with you."

"Uhm, we've only, uhm, known each other for a few days," Light muttered.

"Yeah. But me saving your life is worth a lot of trust points, right? I'm not trying to bully you into anything, though."

Light started to lean more and more on the wall. Her cherry breath on his face dizzied him. Her confidence pushed him back like waves. It could have just been in his head, but it seemed like she was getting closer.

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