Overlord- Royals

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The entire world felt warm. Furret Abigail nestled her back deeper into the warmth after feeling a bit of a chill hit her face. She rubbed her eyes, then opened them to an uncomfortable, white ceiling.

The light shining down grew easier to handle as her eyes adjusted, but she still wanted to go back to sleep. The tension in her eyes from the light held her awake. When she turned over on her side, she saw Bellossom Helen sitting on a cold, metal stool against the wall on her left with her eyes half-open. Extra wrinkles showed that she probably missed sleep, but her reaction time gave it away more. Helen stared at her for a solid ten seconds before she blinked and rubbed her hands down her face.

"Abigail..." Helen muttered. "Hi."

"Hi," Abigail said quietly.

Helen stretched her arms up towards the ceiling, then straightened out her back.

"Do you remember last night?" she asked.

"Yah," Abigail said.

"How do you feel?"

Abigail wiggled and shifted around a bit. She felt like pudding.

"Frail," Abigail answered.

"They said that you would," said Helen. "You passed out before they brought you into the Nightlight Tower."

"Did I, like, screw something up?"

"No, no. Of course not. You impressed everyone. And me. I mean, I didn't know any of that... Or that you were doing when you said you had errands to run." Helen paused, staring at Abigail for a short moment. "But, uhm, yes. You did good."

"I thought you'd be a little more, uh... Angry at me," said Abigail.

"For what? You were just trying to help people, even if it was... aggressive. If anything, people think of you like some kind of hero now."

Furret Abigail's focus got a little sharper. She looked down at her fur and noticed something different.

She had gold fur. The dark brown stripes on her body changed to a gold color. Abigail lifted the white blanket covering her body, and it was the same all the way down to the tip of her tail.

She didn't have to ask for a mirror; Helen reached over towards a short drawer next to her bed and handed a small round mirror to her.

The dark brown fur on Abigail's head and face were the same. It turned into a shiny blonde color. It was close to being the same color as her hazel eyes.

"What's this?" Abigail asked. "What happened to my fur!?"

"We don't know," Helen said. "They're analyzing things and want to keep you here for a few days until it's done."

Abigail barely recognized herself. Looking down at her arms and the rest of her body felt like looking at someone else.

"They said there's nothing to worry about," Helen said, nodding her head firmly. "Just don't worry about it. Think about other things."

"Ah... Okay. Like what?"

Helen put on a devious smile. "Which one of those princes is the cutest?"

"Oh, yah. Forget about them."

Helen opened her eyes wider and tilted her head down.

"What?" Abigail asked.

"Answer the question, Abigail."

"I mean... I don't really know any of them. How am I supposed to answer?"

"Do I need to call them so I can get an answer?"

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