Guildmaster- Island of Glass

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Winds continued to whir around the dragon's head. The hot air it left behind distorted the view of anything beyond it. The flaming mass soared straight through the air until its glow disappeared. The lack of light revealed its white body being overtaken with black burn marks.

The pokemon roared out in pain, flapping its wings and gliding to keep flying. With another push, its thick tail ignited into flames again. It kicked up splashes of water from the ocean as it blasted up to the sky again.


Light's sight of the dragon faded into black. The bright, blue light of the sky took its place. Clouds almost seemed to appear as they came into focus. He dragged his arm over gritty sand to his forehead to shade his eyes.

Light sat up and got to his feet. He felt dizzy, and his muscles wobbled under his weight. The proportion of it felt different and drew his eyes to his own body.

His white fur somehow seemed to be even whiter than before. It almost hurt his own eyes to look at. His chin brushed fur as he looked down that he didn't notice until he looked down.

He had a gray, fluffy mane of fur surrounding his head, and when he looked back, his tail was the same color. The frizzle made it look like two storm clouds hanging on his body. All of his fur had gotten longer than it ever had been.

Light noticed all the changes individually at a quickening pace until he realized just how he changed. He had become a Flareon, but it wasn't how he thought he'd look.

He didn't have a single normal color for his species on his body, shiny gene or otherwise. The fur that should've been red or gold was white, and the fur that should've been yellow was gray.

He could at least look a little normal... At least no one was around to see, for now. He needed to figure out how he evolved in the first place.

After Light over himself, he noticed he stood on white sand that had gotten all over him. He shook himself off and started to get his bearings.

Light could hear the sounds of waves. He turned his body in a circle. White sand and water rising and falling against it greet him from all directions. A palm tree standing behind where he was facing had its top ripped off with dark black marks stretching down its trunk a short way. The shards of wood and green top of the tree were on the ground. The leaves on the ground gave a gentle wave with help from the sea breeze.

Eventually, Light gazed past the remnants of the palm tree and saw a much larger beach across the water attached to green land. He walked to the other side of the tiny island he was on and planned out a short course to swim. Only water type energy from other pokemon would hurt him as a Flareon, but he still tested out touching his paw against the surf.

The seawater felt cool and sharp, but it didn't hurt. Light walked out and started to paddle when the water reached his chin. He kept his head above water and straight towards the land.


When Flareon Light reached the other beach, he switched from a paddling motion to walking as soon as his arm touched the sand underwater. He got himself onto the dry part of the beach before shaking off the water and wiping his hands to get rid of the gritty feeling from the salt.

The beach curved up into an area of tall grass and trees. There were normal things like shells, but he wondered about countless tiny and large crystals that were making the whole beach sparkle up close. He caressed the ground till his fingers found a shard of it and pulled it out of the sand.

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