Overlord- In The Back

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Character: Zen Verity

Species: Floatzel

Age: 16

Nickname: Lord Verity

Year of character creation: 2014

Story: The brutal prince of Verity. He's known for having a short temper, courtesy of the Veritan blessing. He has a cordial air about him, but will often flip the switch to different tones, when comfortable. His motives are unknown.


She saw people do it on TV, sometimes.

Furret Abigail laid back on her bed after a few hours of paperwork. She got a gift from Aaron, something he saw at random, a miniature racket with a ball attached to it by a string. She hit it up and down over her head a billion times. It bored her, but, just... She didn't feel like stopping.

An alarm went off in her room. She flinched. The plastic ball slapped her on her forehead.

She darted around looking for an answer. Questions piled up as she noticed her phone's lit screen next to her paw. She snatched it up and read. The alarm turned off when she clicked it.

Bank robbery? People actually did that?

The address read that it was in Central Valor; in range of her glider. She could get there soon. Maybe that's why the alarm blared so loud...

She rose up; time to earn her keep. She grabbed her cape, put on her tiara, hit the big red button in the corner of the room, and flung herself out the window, into the dark night sky.

With practice, she learned to tune out the howl of wind, the way it wormed under her fur, the image of a forty-something story drop below, and the fact that she could smash into a building if she turned wrong. Mazes of lights on the sides of the skyscrapers let her avoid them with ease. The tip of her tail numbed from the cold, even on summer nights like this.

Up here, she didn't have much direction, usually. She hadn't been in Central Valor for very long. That's why she planned her routes in advance, on most occasions. She didn't need to, not this time.

For large emergencies, she followed the trail of blazing lights on the streets: Nightlight carriages with blue and red sirens. They came from across the city and conglomerated into a march, pointing to her target.

At least, usually. Tonight, she didn't see any. Thank goodness it didn't matter.

The Bank of Valor stuck out like a sore thumb. Marble decorated the front, while inches of concrete and steel covered every other side. It stood alone, separated out from other buildings by a lush, green lawn. In a way, they were lucky it happened at night. There were no workers, or hostages. She could rush in. The building only had a front exit. Even if they blew out a wall, which would take a lot, they'd be surrounded by Nightlights on all sides.

Smelled like a trap.

Abigail dropped off her glider and hit the ground. She landed on a stone walkway, in front of the main entrance. The lawn lacked flattened grass, or any sign that someone walked on it. Her glider drifted off and landed, like a fallen leaf. She cautiously stepped forward.

The doors were made of a thick metal, designed to slow down the process of breaking them down. One of them hung open, with no outward signs of damage. They got in with some kind of skill, fast. They must've known they wouldn't make it out in time before they arrived. If they wanted money, there were easier targets. Instead, they chose this one, out of everywhere else.

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