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TW - sexual coercion, slight gore, manipulation.


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The vague and luscious moonlight leaks through the slits between the thick draperies, projecting radiance over thin portions of the large room. I raise my palm onto the single light that coats over a chuck of the bed, molding large shadows of my digits onto the blankets.

The silver ring Draco had gifted to me is twirled around my fingers, my eyes hypnotized by the vibrant blue-green stone embedded within the jewelry.

The organ behind my forehead is rattling with subsequent thoughts and unrealistic desires. I glare at the wooden desk located on the left corner beside the balcony and wish to crumble it to pieces with my bare hands. My internal rage requires an outlet. Yet, my joints have solidified like clay and my muscles are stiffened.

When Vance had informed me of a new bedroom, I hadn't pondered that his presence would appear here quite often.

"You're still awake?" He questions, flipping a portion of the bed's hefty blanket open, climbing underneath them and onto the mattress.

My back is facing him but his essence is eerily close, his ominous warmth is no more than 12 inches from grazing upon the cloth of my shirt. "I've been asleep for more than 4 days, of course, I am unable to sleep."

I heavily miss Draco. It is as though the organ of my heart is being squeezed beneath Vance's palm— each chamber trickling blood of agony and sorrow down his arm. He doesn't feel an ounce of guilt for how he has hurt me, for how he has torn happiness I have not experienced in an extended amount of time all in a matter of a few words— in fact, if he could, he would laugh about my limited ability to see Draco straight to my face.

"Y/N," he has moved 6 inches closer. "Baby, I'm sorry. You don't know what kind of person Draco is nor do you know the crimes he has committed." His voice is emitting a tone of genuine concern, a touch of care and for a sliver of a moment, I'm nearly warped into his words. "Y/N, I've changed as a person, I am not who I was 4 years ago."

It is in my best interest to water down the angry flames bubbling by my throat and only permit the fire's embers to release in subtle inquiries. "Draco took care of me, he— he was my first love."

"Do you even hear yourself? You just said 'was' he is in the past now, you need to let it go." Vance's hand has crept to the dip of my waist, he's tucked his fingers beneath the fabric of my shirt. "Can you look at me? Please?"

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