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hey 😋 — there are like 3 or 4 chapters left. . .

cw - conversations of self-harm, heavy sexual content, & a bit of light choking.

cw - conversations of self-harm, heavy sexual content, & a bit of light choking

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐘-𝐓𝐖𝐎 | "𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠."


  There is a special type of sensation that shivers your heart when you wake up beside your significant other. It is how the blanket encloses two souls that are tangled with one another, nothing else matters in this brief moment of the day. It is where we can bathe in the sun's warm lights— what I would give to experience this cloak of bliss for eternity.

  "Hey," Draco mutters through a grainy voice. The flow of his tone is hindered due to his body awakening from an elongated sleep, "what time is it?" He questions with heavy blinks.

  My drouse ended not so long ago. If I take away the portion of yesterday where I was awake, in which I was informed about the disheartening curse, plus the dinner I basically swallowed whole— I have slept for nearly 42 hours in the last 48 hours.

  To say I have procured an influx of energy is an understatement.

  "Time? As in the placement of the Sun at this very second or like regular time?" I question, observing the confusion blend onto his facial expression.

  Draco chuckles, running his slender fingers through the layers of his hair that have been dissarayed due to the shifting of his head on the pillow's fabrics. "Never mind, sometimes I forget how technical you are."

  "Is that a compliment?" I question as he notices the small frown crinkling on the skin between my brows.

  He slides his figure towards the direction of my presence, closing the minuscule air of the distance between our bodies. "Sure," his tender lips plant a warm kiss onto the flesh of my lips, permitting the pulsation of my heart to swell and skip a few beats.

  A few chuckles leak from my mouth and I smile like the girls I see in romance films that are utterly in love with their partner. For a moment, I believe it is possible for my brain to completely fight the curse Vance has casted on me.

  "I know Blaise said he would find the hidden spell for the untracing-thingy but I couldn't help but flip through the pages." I haul out the March 1st, 1998 copy of the Quibbler from beneath the blanket— which I've been initially hiding from Draco since he had woken up.

  "You have no respect for your health." He attempts to swipe the magazine from my fingertips but I remain with movements quicker than his. "If you want to have most of the memories you have of us when my father develops the cure you need to listen to his advice. He said no reading, especially in the morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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